So I decide I want to play some sort of funky mirror image of the KID set up and I tell you that's what I'm gonna do.
I'll play, in any order I feel like it, b6, Bb7, Nc6, e6, either d5 or f5, black Bishop wherever I feel like it, and Ne7 or f6. After all that I'll decide how to continue.
Knowing all that, can you make a plan for the win?
EDIT - Instead of me, assume it's someone equal to your own playing strength 😕
How specific do you want this plan?
You can attack the queenside, kingside, strive to open the center, to close the center, create some sort of hyper-modern couter-attack sceme.... the list goes on. All the above mentioned general plans and more are quite playable.
If you want specific moves, well, that depends on what black does and what kind of game you are striving for.
I'm all in favour of a player, no matter the grade, developing his
own opening system and ideas.
Take on some guys in open challenges and try it out.
See if you can pick a 1200, a 1600 and an 1800 see the difference
responses you get.
I'm not going to advise for or against - they laughed at Owen (1...b6)
they sneered at Pirc (1...d6) and they threw Fred out of the club. (1.e4 f5?!).
Good Luck (watch your Kingside )