my 2 min games are really bad these days. dropped almost 200 points in less than an hour. i would give it up completley if it wasnt so addicting. my slow rating (PC) has hovered right around in the 1800's for months but my speed keeps getting worse. i feel no matter what i do i will never be good at speed. has this ever happened to you? i need help to improve or steps to quit. can you help?
btw my bullet right now is 1440
Originally posted by likeforestI did quit blitz one year ago. It's a devasating habit. It ruins many lives and families.
my 2 min games are really bad these days. dropped almost 200 points in less than an hour. i would give it up completley if it wasnt so addicting. my slow rating (PC) has hovered right around in the 1800's for months but my speed keeps getting worse. i feel no matter what i do i will never be good at speed. has this ever happened to you? i need help to improve or steps to quit. can you help?
btw my bullet right now is 1440
Blitz requires that you be in a certain mental state to compete well. Try playing in the morning, about 10 minutes after your first coffee of the day. Make sure you have breakfast. Make sure you're not tired. You can tell whether you are going to play well or not by doing a few puzzles on the tactics server .. bad at the puzzles? you'll be bad at blitz. If you start losing then don't play on.
Take note of when you are playing well, you should notice that your good blitz periods occur in cycles (mine is currently about a fortnight), in general i think the younger you are the shorter the cycle. Don't play blitz when you are having a bad day/week/month
Ultimately you can't take blitz too seriously .. its a bit of light entertainment but just like similar diversions (*cough* World of Warcraft *cough*) if you find yourself becoming addicted .. give it up.
;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game;
White: diet_coke1985;
Black: equity_broker;
Date: Mon Feb 26 22:48:29 GMT 2007
1. c2-c4 e7-e52. g2-g3 b8-c63. f1-g2 g8-f64. b1-c3 f8-c55. e2-e3 b7-b66. a2-a3 c8-b77. b2-b4 c5-d68. g1-e2 d8-e79. o-o e5-e410. d2-d4 f6-g411. c4-c5 d6xg312. h2xg3 b6xc513. b4xc5 c6-a514. e2-f4 c7-c615. d1xg4 a5-b316. a1-b1 b3-a517. g4xg7 o-o-o18. c1-d2 b7-a619. f1-c1 a5-c420. d2-e1 h8-g821. g7-h6 c4xa322. b1-a1 a3-c423. a1xa6 c4xe324. f2xe3 g8-g425. g2-h3 g4xg3+26. e1xg3 d8-g827. h6xc6+ c8-d828. c6-a8+ d8-c729. f4-d5++
Another pathetic attempt.
In which I used 3 whole minutes.