Hey everyone! I just thought of a chess variant which might be interesting to use. It is the addition of a special move given to the Queen similar to castling. The queen has the option to split into a rook and a bishop on her first move. This is an option exercised on the first move of the queen in any direction possible with the natural queen movement. When you move in a diagonal fashion, you would place a bishop at the destination square, leaving a rook in the original square (replacing the queen and removing it from play). Or you may move in a straight line (Horizontal or vertical), placing a rook in the destination square and leaving a bishop in the original square (replacing and removing the queen from play).
Now, I've never played it before. I just thought it up now... any thoughts? If you try it out, let me know on this tread how it goes!
Edit: You might not want to use this special move in every game you play, just like you might not want to castle in every game you play. It would depend on the position. Yes you would be giving up your Queen for a potentially less-powerful bishop and rook, but you can also increase the potential flexibility of your forces by giving you an extra piece to use. The one thing to note is that with this you can get two kings-bishops or 3 rooks into play!
Edit: If this is a new idea, it could be called the Skaley Variant... after Me! Aaron Skaley! (Nice you meet you all)
Originally posted by greenpawn34Haha! Nice! Thats not a problem. That's a solution! 😵
I'm not a big fan of Chess variants.
But what the hey - here is a a problem with your new variant.
White to play and mate in 1.
[fen]1r2kb2/4p2p/5p2/8/8/8/5PPP/1r1Q2K1 w - -[/fen]
answer 1.Q-h5=B mate.
[fen]1r2kb2/4p2p/5p2/7B/8/8/5PPP/1r1R2K1 w - -[/fen]
Thanks for that. 🙂
Originally posted by WumpusThere is a variant where one player has just one King which has the
Fuse your Queen and King... checkmate that!
same power as all the other pieces. The other player has a normal set.
I've played it a few times.
As White you have to be careful as the Black King can sometimes pop
up and deliver mate out of the blue.
1...Kf2 is mate.
The best winning White strategy is to creep forward with your pawns
and smother the King on the back rank.
Here's a very simple chess variant which I have experimented with. It's exactly the same as normal chess except that when any piece is on the opponent's side of the board, it cannot be captured ( king not included!). This makes for a scramble to get your pawns and pieces out sharpish, and can lead to some very odd/interesting mates.I've called it halfway chess... surely someone else has thought of it before. If anyone wants to try it, I would like to know what you think... or message me if you want to try it on the site.Unlike a previous writer, I do like some variants, but not the terribly complex ones with loads of stipulations and/or unnatural board types/grids etc. For example, Rifle/Pistol is a simple idea which gives a new slant to the game, as does one Check Chess... both simple ideas which lead to a refreshing change of priorities.
Originally posted by heinzkatWhat happens if a player cannot move?
Another whacky chess variant: the first to lose ALL of his pieces, loses. The King counts as an ordinary piece and can be captured as if it is a normal piece (so no checkmates)... when playing it, things will end up in a mess 😀
Black to move in this position.