Hi Nimzo.
"These days your average club player would decline the Knight offer"
Agreed. But would your average club player offer the Knight?
Morphy played 10.Nce4.
There is no forced checkmate just a postion full of tactical play. (if it's taken.)
Here White to play.
Morphy played 12.Qe6+ (what happens after 12...Ke8.) I think most club
players would see before the sac 12.dxe4 here wins back the piece so some
of the tactics first crowd (....er....me. )would have considered saccing the Knight.
But I'm thinking a club player and indeed Morphy a few years later would
have played 10.Re1.
Developing a piece with a threat rather than bank on Black playing a bad move
(...er...that sounds like me again.)
Hi Enrico:
"These old Masters had remarkable tactical vision.
Morphy was 12. 😉 But I know what you mean.
Originally posted by nimzo5
It's been awhile since I have posted a thread...
[fen]r1bqkb1r/pp2n1pp/2p5/3nppN1/2B5/2NP1Q2/PPP2PPP/R1B2RK1 w kq - 0 10[/fen]
Morphy - Rousseau NO 1849
Morphy plays 10.Nce4. Can Black take and work out how play should go without moving the pieces?
Sidenote- Morphy was something like 12 when he played this game.
Originally posted by ExumaDangit. I had it originally a move earlier but changed it in an edit.
BxQ gg
This is what I get.
I really wasn't sure what was purpose of the sac on e4 because the king can just go back to e8 after Qe6+ and other moves just gain the piece back, although the white position is superior it was already superior before the sac, so I was just seeing what happens if black goes down this road.
Originally posted by w0lver1neThat creates a weakness on g6 which can be exploited by 11.Qh5+ (now knight can't interpose) if 11...g6 then Nf6 is mate and if ...Kd7 then Nc5+ leads to a win of blacks queen.
What if Black plays 10...h6
Doesn't White now have his two knights hanging ?
Originally posted by w0lver1neFirst take the knight. Forgot that part. 12.Bxd5 if he takes your queen then its mate and if he takes your bishop with his knight then there is no longer cover for the g pawn.
After 10...h6 11 Qh5+ g6 there is no mate with Nf6 because the black knight on d5 can take.
12 Nf6+ Nxf6