I've been working through '303 Tactical Chess Problems' by Wilson & Albertson over the the last few months. I'm doing pretty well but I'm stumped on a couple of them.
On this one, I think the answer is wrong and/or the position is not set up correctly in the book. Any comments? Is the book wrong or am I an idiot? Or both?
The book says this is the solution: 1. Rg4 wins the queen.
Originally posted by violinpatrickIf it's white to move then just 1.Rg4?
I've been working through '303 Tactical Chess Problems' by Wilson & Albertson over the the last few months. I'm doing pretty well but I'm stumped on a couple of them.
On this one, I think the answer is wrong and/or the position is not set up correctly in the book. Any comments? Is the book wrong or am I an idiot? Or both?
[fen]4r1k1/2p2p1p/3p3b/6q ...[text shortened]... 1/6K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
The book says this is the solution: 1. Rg4 wins the queen.
The book appears to be wrong.. 1.Rg4 just loses a rook.
Originally posted by violinpatrick
I've been working through '303 Tactical Chess Problems' by Wilson & Albertson over the the last few months. I'm doing pretty well but I'm stumped on a couple of them.
On this one, I think the answer is wrong and/or the position is not set up correctly in the book. Any comments? Is the book wrong or am I an idiot? Or both?
[fen]3r2k1/2p4p/3p3b/6q1/ ...[text shortened]... 1/6K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
The book says this is the solution: 1. Rg4 wins the queen.
that seems to make it better.
Originally posted by violinpatrickI think the book got it wrong this time. It happens now and again.
I've been working through '303 Tactical Chess Problems' by Wilson & Albertson over the the last few months. I'm doing pretty well but I'm stumped on a couple of them.
On this one, I think the answer is wrong and/or the position is not set up correctly in the book. Any comments? Is the book wrong or am I an idiot? Or both?
[fen]4r1k1/2p2p1p/3p3b/6q ...[text shortened]... 1/6K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
The book says this is the solution: 1. Rg4 wins the queen.
I use to spend days and days just doing these problems.
Sometimes you would come across one where you thought it was
set up wrong because you could not solve it.
Eventually you give up - check the answer and find it's you and not
the book that was wrong.
In this case however it looks like the book is wrong.
My big lemon was once looking at a complicated game position for
over 40 minutes and not 'seeing it' - I finally cracked - something
I hated doing - and looked at the answer.
I was looking for a White win - it was Black to play. Doh!
Originally posted by greenpawn34That's happened to me a few times, although I'd never admit it. Oops.
I use to spend days and days just doing these problems.
Sometimes you would come across one where you thought it was
set up wrong because you could not solve it.
Eventually you give up - check the answer and find it's you and not
the book that was wrong.
In this case however it looks like the book is wrong.
My big lemon was once looking at a ...[text shortened]... ing - and looked at the answer.
I was looking for a White win - it was Black to play. Doh!
Originally posted by stockton1984After 1...Qxg4 blacks bishop on h6 threatens whites queen so if white plays 2.Bxg4 then black playes 2...Bxd2 and white is out a rook.
I'm confused and obviously missing something here....
Doesn't Rg4 pin blacks queen to its king? Besides that, if Qxg4, whites bishop can recapture. What am I missing? I know it's something obvious.