It finally happened.
Now what do I moan about?
The Old Wazza-Matuzzi (stoping a check giving mate)
An old blitz of game of mine.(note his cunning 11.Qd2 to pin and win my Queen -
he needs to get up earleir than that to catch me).
I never planned the end I was simply looking to win back the Queen.
But to celebrate Black finally going first in the PGN thing
I show the game with colours reversed.
A new slant on forum war cry: "Cheack ALL Checks"
The lad fell for the Cochrane trap, which is no great shakes for White
at Blitz. He lags in development. His Queen is a tempo target.
(I've lost them as White after springing that trap).
My original plan was using the cross pin on the Bishop to win a piece.
But it does not win a piece.
We get an opposite Bish ending. Yes I'm a few pawns up.
But it's an ending and I'm me.
Yes a good Wazza-Matuzzi.
The incredible thing is I've been playing the Wing G. on here
and in blitz, I had this line in blitz except my opponent took the
b1 Knight allowing the Endlund Gambit mate Qc8.
Same as you except I played Be2 (develop!!) instead of Kd1.
Makes them think they might get the Bishop with a check