Hey everyone.I own Fritz7 and Rebel12 and want to make them available for everybody to play unrated games against them.You name the engine and the time it can use per move and I'll set the game up.Minimum 3 day time-out and no more than 4 games at the time,I don't want a big computer gameload taking up my time.Anyone intrested?Maybe a good way to try something out or to test a program in case you're thinking of buying it?
Sir Lot.
Originally posted by flexmoreHmm,never thought about an odss game.No castling huh?Ok,I'll set it up,what TC do you want and how much time per move does the comp get?
can i have a go against one of them - as an odds game.
i will challenge you with a game where black (your computer) is unable to castle on either side, that should make it fairer and more interesting.
Originally posted by SirLoseALotGame 434099
Ok,one odds game Flexmore-Rebel12 where Rebel can't castle coming up 🙂
Good luck!