I have a question which some of the more advanced players might like to comment on/answer. I am currently playing (not very well) in a tournament banded 1200-1400. I was checking the results to see how the tournament was progressing and I noticed that there are 21 black wins so far as opposed to only 13 white wins. I checked my own personal stats and found that I win more games as black than I do as white so it occurred to me that perhaps it is easier to win a game in defence at my level of chess than it is to attack. Would anyone care to comment on this? Has anyone noticed a similar thing in higher ranking games? Is the next step in improving perhaps to learn to attack bettter? How high does this trend go, if it exists at all? I have never had any chess lessons, so maybe this is something I would have learned the answer to, had I been instructed properly. Over to you....
Statistics on GMs (the best chess players, you know) say that about 60% of wins is made by white... that means, withe has a little advantage on the beginning, he has the move...
Nonetheless, we are no GMs so I think that it's more related to game strenght (I mean, if I'm stronger I can win with black or white independently)
Originally posted by OsseIsn't there a famous quote something like "the winner is the one who makes the next to last mistake" or something like that?
Given that White moves first, and given that at our level almost all moves are mistakes, the result is that White is usually one mistake ahead of Black 😉