It think it would be nice that RHP players except their rating gain norms and titles. So it would be more motivating for our goals.
Like: "My goal is to become A class rhp player within a year" or "I would like to achieve title of chess master on RHP".
It would be very nice and motivating. It is very often on non correspodence chess sites, isn't it?
Nothing very important though 😛
Originally posted by wakchessdragonMy goal is to stop playing like a blundering idiot
It think it would be nice that RHP players except their rating gain norms and titles. So it would be more motivating for our goals.
Like: "My goal is to become A class rhp player within a year" or "I would like to achieve title of chess master on RHP".
It would be very nice and motivating. It is very often on non correspodence chess sites, isn't it?
Nothing very important though 😛
Originally posted by h9i9j9As Witty says, interesting logic. You could take that argument to extremes though: Money has value, and because it has value, people will go to extremes to get it, therefore, money should have no value. Most everything in life has goals, look at sports. Take steroid abuse: The Olympics give medals. Should they abolish the medals (goals) to prevent cheating?
Yeah, it would be very nice, but then there would be more cheaters at this site because there is a goal.