Firstly, I'm useless at the pgn thing...........
The puzzle is to find, in 4 moves, how this position occurred...........
ALL whites pieces and pawns are at start point, except the Kings knight is absent from the board.
Ditto for black, except he/she has a pawn on d5.
(My thanks to the person who posts the position for me!)
Originally posted by greenpawn34Thanks GP; that is it.
Sounds like this is it.
[fen]rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/8/3p4/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1[/fen]
Just clear up the stipulation.
Reach this positon after White's or Black's 4th move.
(or maybe that is the problem....who moved last and prove it.)
After Black's 4th move