Originally posted by fred smith1/ A baseball team with measles
1. what has 18 legs, is covered with red spots, and catches flies?
2.what has lots of numbers in it, is always boisterous,is a street, and is yet a wall?
if you answer Any of these, plz send me a private message my name is fred smith
the riddle is usually read:
"one day, walking to st. ives
i met a man with seven wives..."
and so it's usually thought to be just one person, implying the author is the only one going to st. ives but not the man he meets, nor his wives, cats and kittens. however, the OP's version of the riddle could verily mean just the man he MEETS is going to st. ives (1), or everyone is going in which case joe schmo has the right answer, imo.
Originally posted by VgetaIf they each took the same apple...
desperately need this riddle solved please anyone>>>>theres one teacher five students . they go to a park . in the park there is an apple tree with five apples. each one took one. how is it possible that theres still four apples left in the tree
I don't like it when the wording of a puzzle like this is purposefully misleading, but it may be the answer they're looking for.
Originally posted by D Ma GUnfortunately, if you're using the MLB as a standard and are only counting starters, half the teams have 20 legs. If you are taking the team as a whole and not just starters then every legit baseball team has at least 50 legs. If you want a game where the starters equal 9 you can try seven man football (7 plus the kicker and the punter equal 9)or even better Nextel cup racing crews have an average of 8 crewman and 1 driver. I think there may also be canoe races with 9 man crews.that's just sports. The problem is that there is probably even more solutions outside the realm of sports and measles.
1/ A baseball team with measles
Originally posted by lilly may martinAs far as you knew it, only one was going to saint Ives. How many were there more than the one you knew? You don't know.
I got a better one:
while walking one day I met a man going to saint ives
this man had 7 wives
each wife had 7 sacks
each sack had 7 cats
each cat had 7 kittens
wives, sacks, cats, and kittens
how many in all were going to saint ives?
So the correct answer should be: At least one.