


02 Jan 06
16 Feb 12

For those who don't know, something has swept the NBA called "Linsanity". It has started from a player called Jeremy Lin who has scored more points in a five game span than great players like Air Jordon or Magic Johnson. Basically, he used to sit the bench but recently when given the chance, showed his team why he must play every game. He is an odd ball of sorts. He is the only player in the NBA who has graduated Harvard, the only Chinese Ameirican in the NBA, and he is a devout Christian that rivals Teebow's notority as a man of faith in professional sports.

So what say you? Has anyone caught Linsanity?

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
16 Feb 12

Originally posted by whodey
For those who don't know, something has swept the NBA called "Linsanity". It has started from a player called Jeremy Lin who has scored more points in a five game span than great players like Air Jordon or Magic Johnson. Basically, he used to sit the bench but recently when given the chance, showed his team why he must play every game. He is an odd ball of ...[text shortened]... as a man of faith in professional sports.

So what say you? Has anyone caught Linsanity?
This too, shall pass.

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07
16 Feb 12

Originally posted by whodey
For those who don't know, something has swept the NBA called "Linsanity". It has started from a player called Jeremy Lin who has scored more points in a five game span than great players like Air Jordon or Magic Johnson. Basically, he used to sit the bench but recently when given the chance, showed his team why he must play every game. He is an odd ball of ...[text shortened]... as a man of faith in professional sports.

So what say you? Has anyone caught Linsanity?
I don't think Lin is as good as his first few games would indicate, but I do think he can be a good pure point guard who can run the floor, distribute the ball and make the big drive to the hoop once in a while when need be.

I also think he's the perfect ingredient for the Knicks right now. Melo is a great player, but it's too much to ask him to make all the big shots and run the offense. If Melo gets used to a consistent role as a 2 or a 3, with Amare and Chandler down low, if they get anything out of Fields and Shumpert, this could be a team to be reckoned with.


15 Jun 06
16 Feb 12

Originally posted by sh76
I don't think Lin is as good as his first few games would indicate, but I do think he can be a good pure point guard who can run the floor, distribute the ball and make the big drive to the hoop once in a while when need be.

I also think he's the perfect ingredient for the Knicks right now. Melo is a great player, but it's too much to ask him to make all the ...[text shortened]... w, if they get anything out of Fields and Shumpert, this could be a team to be reckoned with.
How is he not as good as his game indicates? That doesn't make sense.

He can shoot. He can Pass. He can lay it in/ dunk it. He's smart/can read the court. He's clutch.

Thats the makings of a great player.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
17 Feb 12

Originally posted by tomtom232
How is he not as good as his game indicates? That doesn't make sense.

He can shoot. He can Pass. He can lay it in/ dunk it. He's smart/can read the court. He's clutch.

Thats the makings of a great player.
Oh come now.... Have you never seen a hot shot rookie come in, light things up for a while,
then fade to a flicker when the opposition figures out where the holes in his game are?

The guy has great work ethic and some decent skills.

He is not Micheal Jordan re-incarnated.
He will come back to earth.

You want comparisons?

Ernie Di Gregorio comes to mind as a player from a small school who came on like
gangbusters and went out with a thud.

Not saying Lin will thud quickly, just that he won't maintain this level of play.


15 Jun 06
17 Feb 12
4 edits

Originally posted by shortcircuit
Oh come now.... Have you never seen a hot shot rookie come in, light things up for a while,
then fade to a flicker when the opposition figures out where the holes in his game are?

The guy has great work ethic and some decent skills.

He [b]is not
Micheal Jordan re-incarnated.
He will come back to earth.

You want comparisons?

Ernie Di G ...[text shortened]... th a thud.

Not saying Lin will thud quickly, just that he won't maintain this level of play.[/b]
The ones that thud do so because they are one dimensional but Lin can shoot, pass and drive the ball... those are the keys to success because you can't guard all three things all the time and with his obvious court smarts he will be able to key in on what the defense isn't guarding as he keeps doing in every game. The last game they kept him from scoring but he just lit em up with 13 assists and 10 pts which means he accounted for at least 36 pts.

The one flaw I see is that he stares down his passes... which I don't see why no team has picked up on yet.. maybe its because they're scared if they start stealing his passes that he'll just shoot threes!

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07
17 Feb 12

Originally posted by tomtom232
How is he not as good as his game indicates? That doesn't make sense.

He can shoot. He can Pass. He can lay it in/ dunk it. He's smart/can read the court. He's clutch.

Thats the makings of a great player.
I said he's not as good as his play in his first few games would indicate.

Look, as a Knicks fan, I hope you're right. But the fact that he's never been highly touted by anyone makes me skeptical that he's going to be a perennial all star.

But that's fine. We don't need him to be Magic Johnson. If he's Mark Jackson, that's fine too.


15 Jun 06
17 Feb 12
2 edits

Originally posted by sh76
I said he's not as good as his play in his first few games would indicate.

Look, as a Knicks fan, I hope you're right. But the fact that he's never been highly touted by anyone makes me skeptical that he's going to be a perennial all star.

But that's fine. We don't need him to be Magic Johnson. If he's Mark Jackson, that's fine too.
When has anybody at harvard been highly touted in the basketball world?

What is happening now, with Jeremey Lin, is unprecedented... nobody knows what is going to happen next but if you just look at the film you can see he has the ability and the know how. I'm not saying that he WILL 100% be a great or even an all star, I'm saying that he has the makings of greatness.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
17 Feb 12

Originally posted by tomtom232
The ones that thud do so because they are one dimensional but Lin can shoot, pass and drive the ball... those are the keys to success because you can't guard all three things all the time and with his obvious court smarts he will be able to key in on what the defense isn't guarding as he keeps doing in every game. The last game they kept him from scoring b ...[text shortened]... its because they're scared if they start stealing his passes that he'll just shoot threes!
Ernie D could dribble, pass, shoot and drive. Look him up.

18 Jan 07
18 Feb 12

Originally posted by tomtom232
How is he not as good as his game indicates? That doesn't make sense.

He can shoot. He can Pass. He can lay it in/ dunk it. He's smart/can read the court. He's clutch.

Thats the makings of a great player.
Oh, he's got the talent, all right. But it takes more than talent. Does he have the staying power? We don't know yet. I hope he does, because I've only seen a little of his game, but that was very attractive. Not just good, but also attractive, which isn't always the same thing.
But he's "failed" one game already. (Scare quotes because, of course, failure is relative. Good against a slightly better team is not good enough, but still good.) Will he bounce back? Was that one bounce-up all he had? We'll see. I don't think anyone can give a serious prediction quite yet.



02 Jan 06
24 Feb 12

Who knew Jeremy had a "chink" in his armor? 😛

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
25 Feb 12

Originally posted by whodey
Who knew Jeremy had a "chink" in his armor? 😛
This was a a really stupid remark, even from an Ohio State fan.
I realize you are just being a smart ass, but this is how the tempest starts.
No need to play the racist crap here. Speak to the man's skill level.

I have stated the holes in his game will come out, and when they do, he will come
back to earth. He already has to a point.

The media is looking for heroes to write about. This is hype about a guy with decent,
but not great skills, who works hard. This is the kind of guy you like to see succeed.
The guy you want to root for...the underdog.


02 Jan 06
26 Feb 12

Originally posted by shortcircuit
This was a a really stupid remark, even from an Ohio State fan.
I realize you are just being a smart ass, but this is how the tempest starts.
No need to play the racist crap here. Speak to the man's skill level.

I have stated the holes in his game will come out, and when they do, he will come
back to earth. He already has to a point.

The media ...[text shortened]... This is the kind of guy you like to see succeed.
The guy you want to root for...the underdog.
Actually it was in reference to a journalist who said this and got fired. I thought perhaps others knew about it and would make the connection, but apparently not.

Granted, it may have been mean spirited, but then again maybe not.

Very Mysterious


23 Aug 04
22 Mar 12

Jeremy is from L.A.

Westside Represent!


15 Jun 06
23 Mar 12

He's still on fire. He gets too many filthy assists.

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