Current standings for 1100 and below category as of 0735 EST Just so
everyone knows I will be doing one of these weekly to keep everyone
up to date with my category. once again GOOD LUCK TO ALL and lets
keep it fun..
97406 Vacostner White Move number 6
97407 GENIEJML White Move number 5
Flash vs Linda
98163 Flash White Move number 2
98164 Linda White Move number 2
Mommyoftwojps vs Chester97
97551 Mommy White Move number 3
97553 Chester White Move number 2
Zander vs RoyHenderson
Neither game has been started yet
Overbassj vs jakatsavras
97494 Overbassj White move number 3
97493 jakatsavras White move number 3
these were current as of 0735 EST.
Dave I am not sure what to do about the ZANDER vs Royhenderson
series. Neither one of them have made any attempts at starting
games should we let this ride or what?
ASST TD 1100
Baker Invitational