Originally posted by DustnrogersI got a 1-1 record against you, but I Guess it's time to make that 1-3. Looking forward to play you again! I better read up on the Schlecter variation since you're about 1200 points higher now than when I won lol!
my guess from the players in it Svin1, i bet you we are i the same group!!
lol ive improved alot, and when you won most likely it was after a horrible slid and timeouts, but i see that we dont play each other, igot a lower rated group then i would have liked, lol, but its oky i made a blunder against a 1200 rated player and gave them my queen, lol but i think i still have the match by far!
Originally posted by sarangu susheelUnfortunately you can't join anymore, the tournament has started a while ago. Check the Tournaments-section for posible future tourneys, http://www.redhotpawn.com/tournaments/listall.php. Though you must be a subscriber to be able to participate tourneys.
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