Originally posted by reinfeldI think it is important for a themed tournament that lower rated players get exposed to the themes that the higher rated players are more likely to bring. Sometimes lower-rated players have a book or two on their favorite opening and they're dying to play into the heart of theory, but every time they play against fellow lower-rated players, the game leaves book so early that it is frustrating. I think those players would like to play higher rated players.
yes...but only in their own division...they always win the way it is now..but it is not the winning that i am concerned with but rather the fun of playing a theme tournament with a field closer in rating than the whole site spread...
I think everything is great just the way it is without you rabble-rousing trouble-makers stirring up such a fuss, but if there was serious consideration for splitting a themed tournament, maybe a compromise? You could have a lower banded section in which higher-rated players couldn't play, and then you'd have an Open Section where any rating may join. This way, a lower player could play "up" a class, so to speak. I don't know if this would be a popular or feasible option, but I'm just throwing it out there.
i'm really sleepy
IRNG 660
Originally posted by PonderableAgreed. I think that the lower banded players should be allowed the opportunity to "punch above their weight" in an "open grade" band incorporated into all themed banded tourneys.
Actually I think Dr. Rat's suggestinon to be great.
Without the ranting about trouble makers I would have recommended it 😀
You could nominate to play in both and/or either as your game load permitted. Banded winners could then elect to match off with the "open" winner in a final shoot out.
Just throwing it out there
I've sometimes wondered if a 'handicap' tournament would work.
The idea being that your score is (somehow - details would need to be worked out) compared to your 'expected' score based on ratings (it isn't that hard to work that out - one of the advantages of the rating system used).
The main problem I can see is that any strong players with a lowish grade (if it's fallen because of inactivity or they're a new member who hasn't reached their level yet) would have a big advantage.