Trump in Eagle Pass, 2000 Illegals in 5 days...BUT...

Trump in Eagle Pass, 2000 Illegals in 5 days...BUT...


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The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
1 edit

@averagejoe1 said
...There have been 46 in Brownsville in those same days....Guess which town Biden is going to.. He is absolutely a failure, and that is a nice word. He is scared, he wants back in his stateroom on the plane.
Trump will kick his azz.
Err the electorate just be wondering why him and his MAGA gop blocked immigration controls just a few weeks ago huh.
You seriously think the dems will let the voters forget who’s blocking reform of immigration for political gain. This is gonna take a massive chunk out of your ass son.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
First you have to actually HAVE a brain to be washed.... He gave his brain 100% to Trump so Trump does all his thinking for him.
Who is Biden's brain, Sonhouse. Does all his own thinking, does he? Sonhouse? Your lack of awareness to his congnification (is that a word?) gives me pause. Sleep and ice cream are about it. Needs a prompter in the dirt at the border? And was he talking about something other than the real problem? Will h sign an order? What, Sonhouse?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wildgrass said
Was you Joe. You said 2.4 million crossings is under control? That's what, an average more than 2000 per day through the whole of trump's tenure?

Under control? Get bleeping real. You brainwashed.

1,714 per day on average.... Under control.

You're the problem Joe. Sycophants.
U.S. Border Patrol agents and Office of Field Operations officials recorded encounters with more than 7.2 million migrants who attempted to cross the Southwest border between the time Biden assumed office and the end of January 2024. Comparatively, the number of border encounters with migrants under the Trump administration was around 2.4 million, according to statistics provided on the CBP and DHS websites.

Wildgrass, are you rewriting these facts? Jesus. You fellers could screw up a bowling ball.


20 Oct 06
2 edits

@averagejoe1 said
U.S. Border Patrol agents and Office of Field Operations officials recorded encounters with more than 7.2 million migrants who attempted to cross the Southwest border between the time Biden assumed office and the end of January 2024. Comparatively, the number of border encounters with migrants under the Trump administration was around 2.4 million, according to statistics ...[text shortened]... s.

Wildgrass, are you rewriting these facts? Jesus. You fellers could screw up a bowling ball.
You wrote that trump had it under control. That is fake news. False. Wrong. Propaganda for the masses.

It was bad then and worse now. The same article that Earl posted wrote there's no magic trump policy that would change what we're witnessing now.

Congress needs to fix this, but they refuse.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

Congress needs to fix this, but they refuse.
Wildrass....We all agree to fix this, at least to stop the huge masses of people we dont know walking into our country. What if Thailand tries to being their country here>. See Liink Below. So, why does not Biden sign an order to fix it? Answer?

Here is what Southern Mississippi would look like if Bangkok moves in.


20 Oct 06

@averagejoe1 said
Wildrass....We all agree to fix this, at least to stop the huge masses of people we dont know walking into our country. What if Thailand tries to being their country here>. See Liink Below. So, why does not Biden sign an order to fix it? Answer?

Here is what Southern Mississippi would look like if Bangkok moves in.
You wrote that trump had the border under control even though his administration averaged 2,000 crossings per day for 4 years. It was getting worse while he was pretending he won in 2020. At no point did he or any Republicans pretend to pass any new border legislation.

Take it back Joe. Trump did an awful job. It got worse while he was in office.

09 Jan 22

@wildgrass said
Trump beat up an immigrant?

Did you know that the Senate approves $20 billion in new funding for border security and trump told his Republicans friends in Congress not to pass it? They are actively obstructing efforts to fix the problems and proposing no alternative solutions of their own.
Did you know that bill did NOTHING to stop the border crisis and that money was for a lot of Democrap nonsense they stuck in it?


20 Oct 06
1 edit

@cliff-mashburn said
Did you know that bill did NOTHING to stop the border crisis and that money was for a lot of Democrap nonsense they stuck in it?
$20 billion in border security.

If Republicans cared they could have cleaned it up, debated and voted on it. Or proposed something else. They are running Congress. Anything other than doing nothing, making dumb speeches in eagle pass.

Blaming democrats? Get outta here. You blame the passengers for a bus crash?


20 Oct 06

@cliff-mashburn said
Did you know that bill did NOTHING to stop the border crisis and that money was for a lot of Democrap nonsense they stuck in it?
Wow. If Republicans are letting democrats write their immigration bills they're even more feckless and lazy than I thought. How embarrassing for them.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

And you find excuse after excuse for the obvious deterioration of your god king Trump like confusing Pelosi with Halley, but if Biden had said that you would be screaming ALZHEIMERS to the top of your hypocritical lungs.
Or that testimony he gave where he said that woman was not his type but identified her as his own wife, which kind of goes against his first statement, excuse, excuse, excuse, since your god king savior is the most intelligent person on Earth, just ask him.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wildgrass said
You wrote that trump had the border under control even though his administration averaged 2,000 crossings per day for 4 years. It was getting worse while he was pretending he won in 2020. At no point did he or any Republicans pretend to pass any new border legislation.

Take it back Joe. Trump did an awful job. It got worse while he was in office.
Sorry no one will follow your post, as we have about 8M since Biden took office. Kicking Trump butt with numbers of illegal swarms, like locusts,......, but will we love it, though it will be too late, when Trump kicks back.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@cliff-mashburn said
Did you know that bill did NOTHING to stop the border crisis and that money was for a lot of Democrap nonsense they stuck in it?
You never ask a lib on the Foroum if they know something, because they lie. Case in point, they know the bill did not stop anything, you think that they will acknowledge that? They dont even acknowledge that ............oh, never mind.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wildgrass said
$20 billion in border security.

If Republicans cared they could have cleaned it up, debated and voted on it. Or proposed something else. They are running Congress. Anything other than doing nothing, making dumb speeches in eagle pass.

Blaming democrats? Get outta here. You blame the passengers for a bus crash?
I'm sorry....??? Have you ignored the suggestion of my genius 15-yr old nephew who says he learned in class that Biden has the power (his words) to simply issue an order (he didn't rememer the 'executive' part) to close the border?
Wildgrass, do you take exception to his great idea? Do you not like his idea? Tell us why. Metioniing the government or mentioning Trump would be quite irrelevant. But, I digresss.



@cliff-mashburn said
Did you know that bill did NOTHING to stop the border crisis and that money was for a lot of Democrap nonsense they stuck in it?
Another 80 billion dollars for Ukraine, and rumours of mass amnesty for all the new democrat voters.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
And you find excuse after excuse for the obvious deterioration of your god king Trump like confusing Pelosi with Halley, but if Biden had said that you would be screaming ALZHEIMERS to the top of your hypocritical lungs.
Or that testimony he gave where he said that woman was not his type but identified her as his own wife, which kind of goes against his first ...[text shortened]... e, excuse, excuse, since your god king savior is the most intelligent person on Earth, just ask him.
Whatever, Sonhouse....and here I was just trying to understand your issues with the Mikey guy in Congress. Your are a very confusing poster. Go read some of your stuff. Does your hair stick out like the scientist in 'Back to the Future"?!???!