Annotated Chess Game 8759974 by Ragwort

Annotated Chess Game 8759974 by Ragwort

Annotated Games

Mate with bishops punishes attempt to hold Queen's Gambit Pawn

  • 1. d4 d5 2. c4
    The Queen's Gambit. The c pawn is offered to divert Black's pawn from it's central control. White can then play e4 with free and easy development.
    • 2... dxc4
      The gambit accepted.
      • 3. Ng1f3
        White can play a number of moves here including winning back the pawn straight away with Qa4+, seizing the centre with 3.e4, and less common moves such as e3 and Na3. The point of 3.Nf3 is to delay Black playing e5 which would free his position.
        • 3... f6
          This is unusual and was probably played to prevent Ne5. It does support e5 but has the disadvantage of weakening the light squares near the Black King, as well as occupying the natural development square for the g8 Knight.
          • 4. e4
            White plays to occupy the centre, which Black's last move did not prevent, and looks forward to trouble free development for his pieces.
            • 4... b5
              Black responds to the discovered threat from the Bishop on f1 by protecting his c pawn. I guess most club players know that it is not possible to hold the gambit pawn in this opening however, unless you have been taught this fact, or researched it, it is very difficult to see the lines that lead to the forced win of the pawn. Playing against casual players at least gives one the chance to practice and research out these lines and see some of the latent tactical lines that club players, experts and masters know to avoid.
              • 5. a4
                White attacks the supporting pawn immediately.
                • 5... c6
                  Black protects the supporting b pawn.
                  • 6. axb5
                    White takes, opening the a file and pinning Black's a pawn to his rook.
                    • 6... cxb5
                      Black recaptures. Now the h1 to a8 diagonal is opened too, and this can become dangerous to the rook on a8 if the White Queen or Bishop arrives on f3 for example.
                        Game started
                        06 Oct '11
                        Last move
                        09 Oct '11
                        Game Lost
                        10 Oct '11
                        10 Oct '11
                        Annotation Id

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