Annotated Chess Game 11410181 by moonbus

Annotated Chess Game 11410181 by moonbus

Annotated Games
  • 22... Re8e6 23. Bf3d1 g5
    Black has solidified his center and now returns to the original plan, namely to attack on the k-side. White's pieces are cramped for space and will find it hard to parry an attck on the k-side and also blockade the dominating Black center pawns. Black's main weakness is the dark squares, which White should seek to exploit.
    • 24. Re3g3
      24. Bxh5 is dangerous in the extreme, as it opens a file straight to the White K. 24. ...Rh8 or ... g4 are both playable, and then the White B is effectively nailed to h5 indefinitely.
      • 24... g4
        Tempting White to play the seemingly aggressive move Qg5.
        • 25. Qd2g5
          White charges into the breach. 26. Qd4 would have been met by ... c5, and then Black's central pawn storm is well under way.
          • 25... Qd6e5 26. Qg5xh5
            This levels the material, but at terrific risk, as Black can now seize control of the h-file with his rooks.
            • 26... Rd8h8 27. Qh5g5 Re6h6 28. h3
              An alternative line was: 28. Kg1, Rxh2; 29. Kf1 (forced), Rh1+: 30. Ke2 (blocking his own R and B), R1-h5 (forcing the White Q to reteat); 31. Qe3, Rd1; 32. Qxa7, whereupon White's lone Q quickly runs out of checks, whereas Black's attack up the center is more likely to hit home due to White's completely tangled position.
              • 28... gxh3 29. gxh3 Rh6xh3 30. Rg3xh3 Rh8xh3 31. Kh1g2 Qe5h2 32. Kg2f1 Qh2h1 33. Qg5g1
                33. Ke2?? leads to a quick mate after 33. ...Qf3+; 34. Kd2, Qxc3+; 35. Ke2 (forced) Qd3#. Or 33. Ke2, Qf3+; 34. Kf1, Rh1+; 35. Qg1 (forced), Bh3#.
                • 33... Qh1xg1 34. Kf1xg1 Rh3xc3
                  White has survived Black's k-side attack, but it has cost him another pawn, and this one is a game changer. Black now has a connected passer in the center and a straightforward endgame.
                  • 35. Kg1g2 d4 36. Re1h1 Rc3c1
                    Setting a trap: if 37. Bg4 (which apparently wins the exchange) then ... BxBg4! 38. RxRc1, d4-d3; 39. f2-f3, d3-d2; 40. R anywhere, Bxf3+ and White must sacrifice the R for the Black QP on d1, leaving Black a clear B advantage. White, however, does not fall for it.
                    • 37. Rh1h5 Bf5e6 38. Rh5e5 Be6d5
                      The Black B has hardly moved the whole game, but the few squares it has occupied have proven to be very strong, if only latently.
                        Game started
                        18 Oct '15
                        Last move
                        13 Jan '16
                        Game Lost
                        13 Jan '16
                        06 Oct '16
                        01 Aug '16
                        Annotation Id

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