hi everyone. My brother is the author of this blog and he has asked me to write some words about pokemon. first,pokemon is not just some stupid little kids game .I’ve met someone in COLLEGE that plays this “stupid game” and he loves it .Anyways, pokemon is a card game , video game and. kids all around the world play it and they like it too. In third grade,my friends would take their card s outside to the playground and play out there.I sometimes played with them until it was banned because a bunch of people started losing their cards and my teacher got mad and banned it a lot of my friends were really angry. Well, basically, it’s sort of like…Pokémon is a game of skill, strategy, and intellect. Usually, at the top right, there is an HP, which is health points. Under the picture of the Pokémon, there are all its moves. You are trying to knock out a pokémon by lowering its health to zero by using its attacks. In the upper left corner, there is a pokémon and a stage and a number. If it says basic, then your pokemon is a stage 1 (it hasn’t no please don’t eat me awesome dude 1 evolved yet) if it says stage 1 then your pokemon is a stage 2 if it says stage 2 then your pokemon is a stage 3 .. That’s all for today, folks.
The above is my brother’s description of Pokémon. Since it is completely unintelligible, I suggest you go to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokémon
Here is my statement: Ash Ketchum is a Pokémon Trainer who would do terribly at chess.
Why? Pokémon are like openings, to a certain extent. And their moves like strategies resulting from those openings. But Ash neglects his win/loss records!
Pokémon: Win %(W/L/D): (Aborted or interrupted battles are scored as draws)
Pikachu 37.5 (3/5/0)
Metapod/Butterfree 33.3 (0/1/2)
Pidgeotto 33.3 (0/1/2)
Charmander 66.7 (1/0/2)
Primeape 100 (>2/0/0)
Bulbasaur 50 (0/0/1)
Ash, in the first season, uses six Pokémon in his battles. Of these, only two have positive win-loss records. He uses both of them infrequently, and gives his best pokémon away. This is not the way to play either Pokémon or chess!
I wanted to compare Ash Ketchum to a chess player, preferably a top chess player. Because of the variance in Ash’s use of his pokémon, I used Baadur Jobava, who is known for his wild openings.
What are Jobava’s most frequently used openings? Chessgames.com can tell me that:
As White: 1. Sicilian (49) 2. Queen's Indian (44) 3. King's Indian (42) 4. Slav (35) 5. Nimzo-Larsen Attack (33) 6. Queen's Pawn Game (30)
As Black: Sicilian (142) King's Indian (88) Caro-Kann (65) Sicilian Najdorf (53) Queen's Pawn Game (33) Modern Benoni (23)
But I wanted to use stats from a similar time period as Ash (who, thanks to the magic of anime, is perennially ten) , so I dug up the earliest Jobava games I could find. Here are my results from his first 25 games that I could find on the chessgames.com database:
As White:
1. d4 82.1 (9/2/3) This is a staggering winning percentage. There is obviously a reason he uses this opening as White.
As Black:
1. d4 Nf6 50 (1-1-0) This is a tiny sample size, but a useful opening.
KID 33.3 (0-1-2) Not great, admittedly.
Sicilian 40 (1-2-2) A very decent percentage as Black, and a solid workhorse against 1. e4.
Benko 0 (0-1-0) I draw the line at one game. This datum is meaningless.
Obviously, as a whole, Ketchum is less successful. But Jobava uses his best openings more, helping him succeed.
Here is a quiz position:
The above is my brother’s description of Pokémon. Since it is completely unintelligible, I suggest you go to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokémon
Here is my statement: Ash Ketchum is a Pokémon Trainer who would do terribly at chess.
Why? Pokémon are like openings, to a certain extent. And their moves like strategies resulting from those openings. But Ash neglects his win/loss records!
Pokémon: Win %(W/L/D): (Aborted or interrupted battles are scored as draws)
Pikachu 37.5 (3/5/0)
Metapod/Butterfree 33.3 (0/1/2)
Pidgeotto 33.3 (0/1/2)
Charmander 66.7 (1/0/2)
Primeape 100 (>2/0/0)
Bulbasaur 50 (0/0/1)
Ash, in the first season, uses six Pokémon in his battles. Of these, only two have positive win-loss records. He uses both of them infrequently, and gives his best pokémon away. This is not the way to play either Pokémon or chess!
I wanted to compare Ash Ketchum to a chess player, preferably a top chess player. Because of the variance in Ash’s use of his pokémon, I used Baadur Jobava, who is known for his wild openings.
What are Jobava’s most frequently used openings? Chessgames.com can tell me that:
As White: 1. Sicilian (49) 2. Queen's Indian (44) 3. King's Indian (42) 4. Slav (35) 5. Nimzo-Larsen Attack (33) 6. Queen's Pawn Game (30)
As Black: Sicilian (142) King's Indian (88) Caro-Kann (65) Sicilian Najdorf (53) Queen's Pawn Game (33) Modern Benoni (23)
But I wanted to use stats from a similar time period as Ash (who, thanks to the magic of anime, is perennially ten) , so I dug up the earliest Jobava games I could find. Here are my results from his first 25 games that I could find on the chessgames.com database:
As White:
1. d4 82.1 (9/2/3) This is a staggering winning percentage. There is obviously a reason he uses this opening as White.
As Black:
1. d4 Nf6 50 (1-1-0) This is a tiny sample size, but a useful opening.
KID 33.3 (0-1-2) Not great, admittedly.
Sicilian 40 (1-2-2) A very decent percentage as Black, and a solid workhorse against 1. e4.
Benko 0 (0-1-0) I draw the line at one game. This datum is meaningless.
Obviously, as a whole, Ketchum is less successful. But Jobava uses his best openings more, helping him succeed.
Here is a quiz position:
Baadur Jobava-Holden Hernandez Carmenates Casino de Barcelona 2008