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A Bonanza of Chess Blunders

A Bonanza of Chess Blunders

The Planet Greenpawn

A Bonanza of Chess Blunders

Last week I promised I’d run a competition to win this book.

Title here

Here are the rules. I put the book on E-Bay and who bids the most for it, gets it!

Title here

I’ve not thought up anything ‘green pawnish suitable’ yet

Maybe I should run a competition for someone to think up a competition
for the Tal book. (actually that could be The Competition. Who ever thinks
up the best competition for the competition for the Tal book wins the book.)

Give me another week to come up with something. It has to be daft but valid.

Next, an unheard melody (not so much of a melody but an instructive riff.)
The power chord is the ‘Discovered Check.’ Here White sets one up allowing
a piece to be captured with check and leave a potential back rank checkmate on.

If faced with a discovered check look at captures involving the piece giving the check.

White cannot avoid losing the Queen to a discovered check and RxQ.
(1.Qb1 Rxb2+) But White has 1. Qxb7+ and 2. Kxg2 is a won ending.

B. Spassky - D. Ciric, World Student Team-ch final 1962

And talking about the Queen, apparently the most powerful piece on the board.
Here is a question I often ask when faced a new batch of students. What can Kings,
Rooks, Knights Bishops and pawns do that the Queen cannot (it’s not a trick question.)

The Queen can never be the piece moving to give a Discovered Check.

If the King on d4 were a Rook, Knight or pawn. All can move giving a discovered check.
The Bishop on f2 can move giving a discovered check but it can never a be Queen that
moves to give a discovered check because then the King would already be in check.

Speaking of coaching kids. The opening lecture usually start with this position.

Where I offer the class £10 to anybody who can checkmate my Black King.
That usually cures all the Queen Happy Buccaneers from trying to terrorise
their opponent with the Queen. She’s good, but even she cannot do it alone.

Then onto what I call the Frodo from Lord of the Rings Game. It’s a joy to show on
a demo board. Their bright young eyes go as big as dinner plates on the final move.
You can see right away who has been hooked. They will forever be chess players.

I’ve mentioned this game before (2018) then I added that 12 RHP players had
fallen into that deep hole after move 5. Since then the number has gone up 14.

Ralf Runau - Schmidt, Germany 1972 (the Frodo Game.)

I’ve no idea how we got onto talking about coaching tips. Let’s look at some blunders.

Title here

Find the worst move on the board. All the games are between RHP players.
In positions where the game could still go either way. What was the move
that allowed their opponent to end the game right away with checkmate.

philbeans - Farzad Farsee RHP 2021 (Black to play)

What did Black play here.
Black played 29...a5 30.Bb5 Mate.

ol53 - Lukas Katrinak RHP 2022 (Black to play)

What did Black play here. (Clue: It was not a Knight move.)
33...g6 34.Nd6 Mate.

Dr. Brain - kristjan RHP 2022 (White to play.)

What did White play here.
55. g4 Rh3 Mate,

bob58 - Kratic RHP 2022 (White to play.)

What did White play here.
43 Kg3 Black did not play the pawn fork with 43...f4+ but 43....h4 checkmate.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 195846

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
12 Dec 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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