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A Chess Jacket and the Salvio Trap

A Chess Jacket and the Salvio Trap

The Planet Greenpawn

A Chess Jacket and the Salvio Trap

Look at them, these are our chess elite...
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....and they have been made to wear dull unimaginative jackets.

My Auntie Ethel, the one who disguised herself as a man in WWII
so she could fly Lancaster Bombers, always said; “Never complain
about anything, just improve it. ” I have a new jacket design in mind.
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I have moved house and I now live in a huge concrete Rook.
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It is quite strange living a circular room with no corners.

I decided to wallpaper the sitting room. I went through 18 rolls of
wallpaper before I discovered I had been going round and round
in circles papering over the same bit time and time and time again.
green pawns

Title here

The title says it all. What Happened Next? Three riddles this week

Korchnoi - Karpov, Brussels 1987

(Black to move) What happened next?

J. Polgar - B. Spassky, 10th game, Budapest 1993.

(Black to play move 11) What happened next? (and was then undone by the organisers.)

S. Mamedyarov - H. Nakamura, Grand Tour Blitz, Paris 2017.

What happened next?

Black to play.

Answers after I show you a picture of me and the Thompson Twins.
Title here

Korchnoi - Karpov, Brussels 1987

Korchnoi accidentally touched his King and realised right away he was lost.
In his anger he swept the pieces off the board and stormed out of the room.

Korchnoi - Karpov, Brussels 1987 (position after Black’s last move)

J. Polgar - B. Spassky, 10th game, Budapest 1993.

This one involved a semi - successful cover up by the organisers.

Spassky and Judit Polgar had been having an argument with this variation in their match.
This was the third time it had appeared and on the way to the critical position, which
appears round about move 15, these two players just hammered out the following moves.

Spassky played 11...Re8 and Polgar immediately replied 12 Nf1. Black then played
12...Bb7 and the variation under examination was back on line. Black went onto win.

However after 11...Re8 White could have played 12.Bxf7 Kxf7 13.Ng5+

And Black losses his Queen. Spassky would have resigned.

To save the players any embarrassment, and possibly to stop any demeaning comments
about the match (both players missed 12. Bxf7+ ), the organisers of the match released
the moves 11....Re8 and 12....Bb7 in the wrong order so the shot 12. Bxf7+ was not on.

Even today some Data Bases have the wrong move order as if this never happened.

S. Mamedyarov - H. Nakamura, Grand Tour Blitz, Paris 2017.

1...f1=Q+ 2. Rxf1 Rxh5 is a simple 100% draw.

Nakamura (apparently for a joke) played 1...f1=N threatening Ng3+ and
expecting 2. Rxf1 Rxh5 and a handshake. Instead he was stunned to see:

If Nakamura had taken the Queen it would produced a three way tie for first
place. Instead he finished in 3rd place, taking the Knight cost Nakamura $7,500
green pawns

@Spectators in the Chess Forum mentions the well known trap in the Queen’s
Gambit Accepted where Black losses a Rook saying because it was first spotted
by Alessandro Salvio (1570 - 1540) the trap should bear his name. He’s correct.

This trap has caught a staggering 4000+ players on RHP. See the Games Explorer.

You will see the move 6. Qd1-f3 has been played 2,959 times.
You will also see the number of times this shot has been missed.

Salvio may have been first to mention it but I bet he never caught nowhere near as
many victims as @AttilaTheHorn. My records indicate he has trapped 96 players.

Here it is, I am picking a random 2017 game. (I have 65 this year alone to choose from)

AttilaTheHorn (and why not, it’s his pet trap) - Mladen Jurkovic RHP 2017

So what as Black do you do to avoid being one of the victims.

Here is one way to play it by one of the RHP good guys.

ticmic - Swiss Toni RHP 2013

green pawns

red doom

Two RHP players playing with lone Queens. An accident waiting to happen.

White skillfully finds a skewer where others would have failed.

lyndmeg - Jokakor55 RHP 2015

In the next game temptation blinds the player.
ebonyismydog - beechform RHP 2016

davissarah - trexman83380 RHP 2012

But before we get to two lone Queens, this happened (White to play)

White has mate in three: 1.Qc4+ Kb3 2.Qb6+ Kc4 3.Rc4 mate.

But White missed it and played 1.Qe5

Black now has mate in three. 1....Qf2+ 2..Ke4 Rh4+ 3. Qf4 Qxf4 mate.

But Black missed it and played 1....Qc3+ We now join the game.

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 173308

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
03 Mar 25
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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