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The Rook and Knight  Epaulette Mate

The Rook and Knight Epaulette Mate

The Planet Greenpawn

The Rook and Knight Epaulette Mate

When I was having my massive clear out (see the previous blog)
I found a few decades worth of CHESS magazine so we kick off
this weeks blog with four covers. You have the guess the year
the Chess event on the cover took place. (the last one is hard.)

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(Magnus Carlsen sensational winner of the Grandmaster Tournament at Wijk aan Zee)

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Now the tough one, which year was Korchnoi involved in this car accident.

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Staying with Chess Magazines. You know you have finally arrived when your
picture appears on the cover of a Chess Magazine. I arrived in February 2004.

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green pawns

They...the people who know these things...reckon a White Knight on f5 against
a Black Kingside castled position is worth a pawn. I gave up a pawn to get my
Knight onto f5, won it back with interest and blundered by trying to be too clever.

greenpawn - Kratic RHP 2020 (notes based on my thoughts at the time.)

green pawns

In between waiting for my opponents to move on RHP I have recently been going here.

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('Play Computer' You will find it on the bottom right of the main screen.)

It’s an onboard computer you can play. I’ve been playing it at level one and trying
to match it it’s speed and often losing. I manage to sneak in a win when I slow down
because on the bottom level it’s horizon seems to be 4ply (2 moves each) so I can set
it three move tricks and it walks into them. Usually when I’ve got a winning position
I do a new game but in this one I could not resist the mating pattern that was in there.

greenpawn34 - RHP computer Level 0 2007

So next we search was on for a Rook and Knight Epaulette Mate in RHP.

Typically the first one I found is unsound.

Jim Dog Young - Larry Kasparov RHP 2012

In the next one it does appear Black set it up themselves to Self-Mate.

beat tyler - marine5794 RHP 2011

green pawns

Solutions to the CHESS cover quiz.

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Chess Cover one was June 1997

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Chess Cover two was April 2004

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Chess Cover three was November 2000

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Chess Cover four was November 1977

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 184229

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
14 Dec 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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