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Forums alive



Good to see the clan forum alive and active again. Been quiet for ages it seems.
Well until I read the utter drivel.
Maybe try site ideas for the latest "new" ideas
We had a clan league that failed
A separate player rating for each player on a clan ...best idea ever..but russ has previously said it can't be done...maybe ask him again?

Breaking bad won but for some we didn't win the way we should have. Only a small minded minority that is
Dry the tears raise your game if you want to compete..

Tip for clan leaders ....look after your own clan we at breaking bad have a great leader and laugh at the crying from those out to undermine us.

Mind the gap...it's only going to get bigger..

2 edits

@roma45 said
Good to see the clan forum alive and active again. Been quiet for ages it seems.
Well until I read the utter drivel.
Maybe try site ideas for the latest "new" ideas
We had a clan league that failed
A separate player rating for each player on a clan ...best idea ever..but russ has previously said it can't be done...maybe ask him again?

Breaking bad won but for some we ...[text shortened]... augh at the crying from those out to undermine us.

Mind the gap...it's only going to get bigger..
So True, many times they have tried to change the Clan Challenge System to suit themselves. Many times it has failed over and over again. Now they want to have a 2 sectional Clan Champion ship. One for people who want to put work into it and one for those who don't want to put the work into it, THEM. We know who THEY ARE!!!

Personally, I don't like it as it is something a few Clan Leaders got together to make up some rules of their own, so they don't have to work as hard to win something. It would be a pretty lame win, if you even want to call it that.

I agree with you Roma, THEY should work harder and build their present clans so they are able to compete with Metallica, IVV, Breaking Bad and other clans that actually put work into the Clan Challenge System.



They and them. WFT?

The rules of the World Cup have changed. Champions League, Baseball, American Football. The rules of the world chess championship change. Rules change.

There doesn't have to be a conspiracy. It doesn't have to be personal.

"We know who THEY ARE!!!"

What exactly does that mean? I put my name on the idea. We know who "they" are because it is me. It's my idea. I talked to Fred and Michael about it. However it was my idea.

I talked to no other Clan Leader about it before I posted here. After I posted the ideas I sent a PM to most of the clan leaders say please read the idea and comment.

I get that Rusty hates the idea - fine. But that is no reason to attack me and say there is a conspiracy. There is no reason to start up with the they and them stuff. I have been living with that for many many years with my queer daughter. They and them? Do you have any idea how hurtful that is? Oh you are not like us. You are the other. Do you have any idea how much pain those words cause? Words matter.

You hate the idea - ffs we all hear you. But please shut down today the us and them crap. It just us. I am one of the us.

You don't like change. Fine. It will never work. Fine. But enough. Stop calling me a liar. Now. Today.

You don't know me. Saying the idea stinks is your opinion. Saying I am a liar is not an opinion - it is a fact or not a fact. I have either lied or not - that is not a matter of opinion. I have not. End of story.

I have said my piece and I am ready to move on and go back to playing chess. It was just an idea to add more interest to the clan feature.

@Russ you don't need Rusty's support to make changes. You have seen some thoughts for changes 11 months from now. I am here to answer any questions. Maybe they are not good ideas and none of them will be implemented. That's fine. I am trying to help.

Clan Leaders and clan members you can agree with Rusty that this is the absolute worst idea ever in the history of Red Hot Pawn. You can agree that if we start tracking clan games in a separate table - the entire clan system will be destroyed. Everyone has an opinion. But they and them? Maybe it is time to stand up and say what you will put up with.

What you put up with, you support.

5 edits

@Bish said
They and them. WFT?

The rules of the World Cup have changed. Champions League, Baseball, American Football. The rules of the world chess championship change. Rules change.

There doesn't have to be a conspiracy. It doesn't have to be personal.

"We know who THEY ARE!!!"

What exactly does that mean? I put my name on the idea. We know who "they" are because it is me. I ...[text shortened]... ybe it is time to stand up and say what you will put up with.

What you put up with, you support.
YOU are one of THEM....We know two of the others and I know there are a few more. Your idea does stink that you are correct on.

This is not Baseball or Football, or any other sport you wish to mention. THIS IS CHESS!!!!

How do you think you are going to have every clan play every other Clan it is just unrealistic to even THINK that would work. There are personalities involved and Clan Leaders who refuse to play Other Clan Leaders.

A Mediator is not the answer. You can't appoint an arbitrator to decide match ups, that is just insane to even think you could do that. Clan leaders would not put up with it. I am sure some would quit first.

Don't tell me what I can Post and what I can't. I don't care if you have a gay daughter I have a gay younger brother, That is an expectable thing in todays society for the most part.

I and many others do not want a two sectional Clan Challenge Championship. You just want something that you and your cohorts can win without having to put a lot of effort into it and all play each other, because many are against this some have even suggested they would leave the site.

You don't understand many stay because of the Clan Championships that have been around longer than any of you have I might add.

Russ wants to see improvements not a set of rules just for one group to make it easier for them. YOU being the Ring Leader of it.

Keep your snide remarks to yourself or among those who think like you, if you wish to call it thinking.

You SAY it isn't a Conspiracy but Optics of the whole thing say something else indeed.

Your are also not being completely honest, I would call that a liar. You say you only talked to Michael and the Leader of Metallica about it. Quite obviously you talked to Trevor about it and who knows who else you talked to. So right away you are caught in a lie.

Perhaps you need to re-think your idea, and come back with something everyone is agreeable too, not just the chosen few. You didn't say if The Leader of Metallica or Michael approved of the worst idea I have heard of, and trust me I have heard some bad ones over the years!

Please in future don't try to dictate what I can and can not say on this Site!~

Trust me when I tell you Russ will do what he thinks is the right thing to do for the Site, not you or me that I can tell you for certain after 18 going on 19 years here. Best not to dictate to him who to listen to or what to do, just to give you some advice.

Peace Out,
Very Kindest Regards,


I've had time to think this over, in as much there are B.B. I.V.V. & Met in the mix as the "Top three". If smaller Clan's want to challenge for the championship they should think about a "United" element. Clan Leaders need to take head - Success breads success. A dedicated 20 player crew with a 'Co-Leader' would be a good start. I'd happily amalgamate my Liverpool for a stronger Clan. I have guy's who wont get involved in games and a couple who knuckle down . Do I kick them? How/should I hand over or am I stuck with it? Macedonian Lions are the same, only three.

It will not change unless those that play for individual small Clan's make or take a leap of faith and match 'The Big Gun's'

Rusty, Michael? Your comment's please...



@Chris-Guffogg said Clan Leaders need to take head -

Care to rephrase? πŸ˜‚


@roma45 said
Good to see the clan forum alive and active again. Been quiet for ages it seems.
Well until I read the utter drivel.
Maybe try site ideas for the latest "new" ideas
We had a clan league that failed
A separate player rating for each player on a clan ...best idea ever..but russ has previously said it can't be done...maybe ask him again?

Breaking bad won but for some we ...[text shortened]... augh at the crying from those out to undermine us.

Mind the gap...it's only going to get bigger..
It's nice to see you posting again Roma. I always look to see if you and Rusty are posting as often as I'm able that is.

I to love the idea of a separate clan rating for each player. But I'm not coder and have no idea how hard it would be.

But love the idea.


@Chris-Guffogg said
I've had time to think this over, in as much there are B.B. I.V.V. & Met in the mix as the "Top three". If smaller Clan's want to challenge for the championship they should think about a "United" element. Clan Leaders need to take head - Success breads success. A dedicated 20 player crew with a 'Co-Leader' would be a good start. I'd happily amalgamate my Liverpool for a ...[text shortened]... or take a leap of faith and match 'The Big Gun's'

Rusty, Michael? Your comment's please...

Chris, I think it is a fantastic Idea. Many leaders of one player clans won't do it, Some leaders just because they are stuck in their ways won't do it.

However, if you can get some partial clans to combine to make several new clans or maybe even more all with co captains, it's a brilliant idea. You can make a championship team / teams from doing that.

The only issue I see is getting leaders to agree on who leads, who is the co captain.

Other than that, it really is an amazing idea. It could mean less one player clans, it would mean more teams competing for the title not just a select few. Although more could compete for it if as Roma put it, if they worked harder. I know it is a full time job for me.

Thank you for asking my opinion. It is a unique idea, and it is something that can be achieved with no coding, just leaders talking and sending PM's over and over again until its agreed upon who the teams are and who the leaders are.

Chris you need to be one of the leaders. Pick a co captain, someone you trust, and start talking to leaders. This was your idea and not everyone comes in here to read. So you will have go out and hustle to make this work. I will do what ever you want me to in order to make this work, I support it.

I tend to follow Fred's opinion and always my co captains opinion Very Rusty. I hope Fred gives his opinion and maybe a way to do it so it's not so hard on you or any one player to get it done.

I'm in for helping Chris and it's the most unique Idea I have heard in a long time.
It can be done, and it's logical. A brilliant idea.

Message me every time you need something for me to do or someone to talk to like leaders I'm friendly with. This can be done. Many will want to join. IMHO

Well done.

1 edit

@Chris-Guffogg said
I've had time to think this over, in as much there are B.B. I.V.V. & Met in the mix as the "Top three". If smaller Clan's want to challenge for the championship they should think about a "United" element. Clan Leaders need to take head - Success breads success. A dedicated 20 player crew with a 'Co-Leader' would be a good start. I'd happily amalgamate my Liverpool for a ...[text shortened]... or take a leap of faith and match 'The Big Gun's'

Rusty, Michael? Your comment's please...

If it were me, I would start going from clan to clan, those clans that would be able to do this of course. But go one by one and talk to their leaders until you have talked to every single leader of clans that have only a few or half the amount of a full clan. Just one by one. If anyone can get this done, it's you. As you go you will get more support, when you have spoken to all the leaders, you will then have an idea of how many clans you can make. Even if it is a few, or even better five or more new clans that can compete for the title.

If there is an easier way I hope people speak out. And give you idea's on how to make this easier for you. But I'm use to always messaging and having to hustle on everything.

Nothing wrong with that either. Move steady, leader by leader and talk to them about your idea.

I think you will get a ton of support for this. You are making more clans which we need. And you get to pick the best players, and the players who really want to be a part of this which is always great.

What ever you need me to do in order to support your effort so you don't have to do all the work, just let me know.

I would talk to Rusty and Fred and Roma45. They are all brilliant like you, and very logical men. And they bring a lot to the table, far more than me. But I will help in any way I can Chris.

I really like this idea the more I think about it. Lets get rolling on it. πŸ™‚


Nope, to late in the day. After contemplation on said blunder I'll stick with 'head' men aren't getting enough - Not even on a Sunday, some things if life🀷‍β™‚οΈπŸ˜’


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