@contenchess saidProper nutrition (including vitamins) + exercise is always part of a smart plan when dealing with viruses and colds.
Apparently Vitamin D may be a key factor with Covid... which as we all know Eladar has been saying from the start 🤔
@contenchess saidNo, he didn't, and no, that isn't what this study says.
Apparently Vitamin D may be a key factor with Covid... which as we all know Eladar has been saying from the start 🤔
First, Eladar claims that vitamin D is all you need to fight Covid. That if only you get enough vitamin D, you don't need vaccinations, you don't need precautions, you're all right, mate! (And then he disappeared for a few months. Interesting.)
Second, that study claims that there is a correlation between Covid reactions and serious vitamin D deficiency. Well, duh. I bet there is a correlation between Covid reactions and serious vitamin C deficiency, as well. It doesn't claim that the deficiency caused Covid, or that Covid caused the deficiency - though IYAM the latter is more likely, what with the inflicted being expected to stay indoors at all time! - and it doesn't, AFAICT, even rule out that in certain people there is an underlying issue causing both.
(By the way, if vitamin D is such a miracle drug, why do Brazilians get Covid at all? And why aren't Canada and Finland completely depopulated yet?)
Oh, and... the Times of Israel? Advertising an Israeli study? Sure, and the Wuhan Clarion definitely proved that Covid didn't originate in China.
@contenchess saidMother Nature add a little
Where is Eladar?
Did covid get him? 🤔
Chlorine to the gene pool?
@contenchess saidWithout Magnesium, Vitamin D Supplementation May Backfire
Apparently Vitamin D may be a key factor with Covid... which as we all know Eladar has been saying from the start 🤔
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/02/21/magnesium-vitamin-d-supplementation.[WORD TOO LONG]
Vitamin D is not a vaccine and will not stop you from getting covid but it can help with severe symptoms and only if you have enough in your body.
If you already have enough inside, taking supplements can result in overdosing. You can have too much D, just like anything else.
Most folks already have enough magnesium and D inside but you need blood test to be sure.
You are big on screaming the sky is falling but you don't want to go into how to check out your own levels.
You love to find stuff you figure is dangerous without the slightest thought to the concept that scientists are actually smarter than you and have figured out stuff like that decades ago so you are exactly like Chicken Little.