That's my buddy Duncan's field too. Here are his publications.
M. Garg, M. Thamotharan, S. Oak, G. Pan, D.C. MacLaren, P.W.N. Lee and S.U. Devaskar. Early Exercise Regimen Ameliorates
Insulin Resistance in The Intra-Uterine Growth Restricted (IUGR) Adult Female Rat Offspring. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab
(2008) in press.
C. Ryttersgaard, S.C. Griffith, M.R. Sawaya, D.C. MacLaren, S. Clarke, and T.O. Yeates. Crystal structure of human L-isoaspartyl
methyltransferase. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277, (2002) 10642-10646.
D.C. MacLaren, T. Toyokuni, S.R. Cherry, J.R. Barrio, M.E. Phelps, H.R. Herschman, S.S. Gambhir. PET Imaging of Transgene
Expression. Review. Biological Psychiatry, 48 (5), (2000) 337-348.
H.R. Herschman, D.C. MacLaren, M. Iyer, M. Namavari, K. Bobinski, L. A. Green, L. Wu, A.J. Berk, T. Toyokuni, J.R. Barrio, S.R.
Cherry, M.E. Phelps, E.P. Sandgren, S.S. Gambhir. Seeing is believing: Non-invasive, quantitative and repetitive imaging of reporter
gene expression in living animals, using positron emission tomography. Review. J. Neuroscience Research, 59 (6), (2000) 699-705.
S.S. Gambhir, J.R. Barrio, M.E. Phelps, M. Iyer, M. Namavari, N. Satyamurthy, L. Wu, L.A. Green, E. Bauer, D.C. MacLaren, K.
Nguyen, A.J. Berk, S.R. Cherry, H.R. Herschman. Imaging adenoviral-directed reporter gene expression in living animals with
positron emission tomography. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 96, (1999) 2333-2338.
D.C. MacLaren, S. Sharfstein, S.S. Gambhir, N. Satyamurthy, et al. Repetitive, Non-invasive Imaging of the Dopamine D2 Receptor
as a Reporter Gene in Living Animals. Gene Therapy, 6, (1999) 785-791.
S.S. Gambhir; J.R. Barrio; L. Wu; M. Iyer; et al. Imaging of adenoviral-directed herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase reporter
gene expression in mice with radiolabeled ganciclovir. J Nuclear Med, 39 (11), (1998) 2003-2011.
H.R. Herschman, S. Sharfstein, S.S. Gambhir, D.C. Maclaren, S. Cherry, A. Srinivasan, N. Satyamurthy, J.R. Barrio, and M.E. Phelps.
In Vivo Imaging of Gene Expression Associated with Cell Replication. J Nuclear Med, 38 (5), (1997) 250.
E. Kim, J.D. Lowenson, D.C. MacLaren, S. Clarke, and S.G. Young, Deficiency of a protein-repair enzyme results in the accumulation
of altered proteins, retardation of growth, and fatal seizures in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 94, (1997) 6132-6137.
D.C. MacLaren, and S. Clarke, “Rapid Mapping of P1 Clones: The Mouse L-isoaspartyl/D-Aspartyl Methyltransferase Gene”.
Genomics, 35, (1996) 299-307.
D.C. MacLaren, and S. Clarke, “Expression and Purification of a Human Recombinant Methyltransferase that Repairs Damaged
Proteins”, Protein Expression and Purification, 6, (1995) 99-108.
D.C. Maclaren, C.M. O’Connor, Y. Xia, M. Mehrabian, I. Klisak, R.S. Sparkes, S. Clarke, and A.J. Lusis, “The L-Isoaspartyl/DAspartyl
Protein Methyltransferase Gene Maps to Human Chromosome 6q22.3-6q24 and the Syntenic Region of Mouse Chromosome
10”, Genomics, 14, (1992) 852-856.
D.C. MacLaren, R.M. Kagan, and S. Clarke, “Alternative Splicing of the Human Isoaspartyl Protein Carboxyl Methyltransferase RNA
Leads to the Generation of a C-terminal -RDEL Sequence in Isozyme II”, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 185, (1992) 277-283.
D.A. Stams, T.D. Thomas, D.C. MacLaren, D. Ji, and T.H. Morton, “Empirical and ab Initio Estimates of the Stabilities of Fluorine-
Containing Cations”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., (1990) 1427-34.
T.X. Carroll, D. Ji, D.C. MacLaren, and T.D. Thomas, “Relativistic Corrections to Reported Sulfur 1s Ionization Energies”, J. Elec.
Spec., 42, (1987) 281-284.
wow. everyone is really impressed.
does this mean we all get access to the tech too? or is there a burgeoning over population meme that might prohibit the common people?
a don't know about your buddy, aty but aubrey gave up on his other hobby of writing a code of compassion into AI - if i am not wrong, he now says it is "impossible"
gerontology v.s solid state intelligence. cage match