Canada warming faster than rest of world

Canada warming faster than rest of world



08 Mar 11
02 Apr 19

Canada warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, report says

Canada is warming on average at a rate twice as fast as the rest of the world, a new scientific report indicates.

The federal government climate report also warns that changes are already evident in many parts of the country and are projected to intensify.

Canada's Arctic has seen the deepest impact and will continue to warm at more than double the global rate.

The report suggests that many of the effects already seen are probably irreversible.

Another hoax from China.

Trump 2020

20 Mar 19
02 Apr 19

This past winter was way too cold.
Hopefully it warms up faster and faster.


02 Jan 06
03 Apr 19

@vivify said

Canada warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, report says

Canada is warming on average at a rate twice as fast as the rest of the world, a new scientific report indicates.

The federal government climate report also warns that changes are already evident in many parts of the country and are projec ...[text shortened]... s that many of the effects already seen are probably irreversible.

Another hoax from China.
It's about damn time!

I'm tired of Canada kicking everyone's arse in hockey.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
03 Apr 19

global warming cooling middle heat cold change


07 Dec 05
03 Apr 19

@vivify said

Canada warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, report says

Canada is warming on average at a rate twice as fast as the rest of the world, a new scientific report indicates.

The federal government climate report also warns that changes are already evident in many parts of the country and are projec ...[text shortened]... s that many of the effects already seen are probably irreversible.

Another hoax from China.
The arctic always warms faster than the rest of the world. Thank you Captain Obvious. Perhaps next week you can teach the ignorant masses that global warming causes sea level rise.

Then you can continue by pretending because global warming exists that proves man is the cause. That is what the ignorant masses have been led to believe, right?

See my thread on the science forum called "sea level rise". You might learn something.


02 Jan 06
03 Apr 19

@metal-brain said
The arctic always warms faster than the rest of the world. Thank you Captain Obvious. Perhaps next week you can teach the ignorant masses that global warming causes sea level rise.

Then you can continue by pretending because global warming exists that proves man is the cause. That is what the ignorant masses have been led to believe, right?

See my thread on the science forum called "sea level rise". You might learn something.
Well the democrats say we only have 12 more years to live.

So what will you do in that time?


07 Dec 05
03 Apr 19

@whodey said
Well the democrats say we only have 12 more years to live.

So what will you do in that time?
Pick more food out of my garden. CO2 is causing plants to grow faster providing us with more food to eat. Democrats want that to stop. It is an obvious conspiracy to make them look bad. Only the left are allowed to feed the poor.


08 Mar 11
03 Apr 19
1 edit

@metal-brain said
The arctic always warms faster than the rest of the world. Thank you Captain Obvious. Perhaps next week you can teach the ignorant masses that global warming causes sea level rise.

Then you can continue by pretending because global warming exists that proves man is the cause. That is what the ignorant masses have been led to believe, right?

See my thread on the science forum called "sea level rise". You might learn something.
Hmm....90 percent of the world's scientists....or you.

Decisions, decisions.

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