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Collective Schizophrenia

Collective Schizophrenia


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Censorship ended? So for you it would be ok for porn videos and books to be available to 8 year olds in their school libraries? Right now they censor books that have the word penis inside or mentioning breasts, just using the word breast gets a book banned. Is that not censorship in that area alone?
And books in Florida banned because they dare to discuss the history of slavery or centuries long repression of blacks. That ok with you?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

@Sleepyguy said
I don't know what you mean by him becoming a dictator. He's not going to try to stay in office past his four years. I do want him to do everything the law allows, even if he has to push the limits of normal convention, to do the things he told us he would do. I want the border closed, illegals deported, government downsized, censorship ended, and criminals in the government to be fired, prosecuted and jailed where possible.
He is not going to try to stay in office after 4 years? What evidence do you have of that? He says he wants to be a dictator on day one 'only'. He also says a president should have unlimited power and part of that power would be to force the US to accept him as 'president' again. And again, JUST LIKE PUTIN.

You think it would be ok for Trump to weaponize DOJ for his own personal attacks on individuals? He WILL do that 100% he will do that. And you will SEE that happen and it ALREADY happened last time he was POTUS.
Check out the persecution of the Freeman family, falsely accused of election fraud and the were harrassed for TWO years resulting in a defamation suite PROVING it was defamation Rudy now owns them 150 MILLION but Trump was the head snake of that attack and he WILL do that again to anyone else he considers a political enemy come January. He WILL also pursue having the FCC pull the broadcast license of MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC and any other broadcaster publishing anything negative about Trump. Trump feels ANY criticism is a personal attack and he goes after them.
You think that should be in the power of the presidency? How many other presidents ever did that?

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