Congress will not produce a budget this year, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said Tuesday, though, he said Congress should take steps to impose one year spending limits on itself and begin to lay the groundwork for long term restraint.
Mr. Hoyer, Maryland Democrat, said there is no point to passing a budget, which sets out both binding one year targets and a multiyear plan. He said the debt commission President Obama has formed is working on the long term issues.
"It is not possible to debate and pass a realistic, long term budget until we have considered the bipartisan commission deficit reduction plan, which is expected in December." Mr. Hoyer said at a speech sponsered by Third Way, a progressive think tank.
The House and Senate don't always agree on a final budget, but the House itself has failed to pass at least its own version of the plan.
Mr. Hoyer's announcement drew a mocking response from House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, whose office issued reminding reporters Mr. Hoyer in the past has called a budget the "most basic responsibility of governing".
Spending and the country's debt -- which now tops $13 trillion -- have become dominant issues in Washington, but Mr Hoyer cautioned against taking too drastic action on deficit right now. He said the bigger problem is long term structural imbalance.
So what does the federal government have time for you may ask?
The federal government has just demanded that New York replace all of its street signs. Apparently, they say that signs with all capital letters are harder to read so they will replace them with lower case letters which will cost tax payers $27 million.
Also in the news.
California Democrat Anna Eshoo has introduced legislation demanding that adds on TV lower their volumes. Apparnelty, adds typically increase the volume when the interrupt programming.
So the question begs. Why are we voting this November? Is it to vote for what they promise to do or what they have done? My guess is that Republicans will gain some seats which will cause Democrats to say that a gridlock has been reached in terms of passing a budget.