As an Independent, it's been interesting to observe the similarities and differences between Conservatives and Liberals these past few years, this is not a complete list, but here is what I've found:
The similarities:
-Both spend the majority of their time and energy trash talking the "other side" while turning a blind eye to their own misdeeds.
-Both tend to be hypocritical
-Both talk a lot about reducing the national debt at election time, but neither side does a damn thing about it once the election is over.
-Both talk a lot about fixing our infrastructure at election time, but neither side does a damn thing about it once the election is over.
- Both lie a lot
The differences:
Conservatives - Use more dirty language (how that squares with their Evangelical faith, I have no idea) Use more personal attacks, Write like little children i.e. Dims, cuz, butthurt etc. Keep their gay and lesbian sexual habits in the closet.
Liberals - Complain about racism and sexism a lot. Have no plan regarding foreign policy, Think all white males are "the enemy" (Listening Duchess??) Won't vote for their party's candidate unless their candidates thinking aligns at least 95% with their own.
Regarding Donald Trump: The sum of missteps and misdeeds are too many to list here, however Trump has one redeeming quality: Unlike many past GOP presidents, he has not started any new wars, nor has he expanded the one's we're in now.
What a long, strange trip it's been -