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I am the captain of plane returning Columbian killers, gangbangers.

I am the captain of plane returning Columbian killers, gangbangers.



Colombia: We're not taking shackled detainees returned on military flights. Transport them with dignity

This was said by everyone’s friend, Mr Wildgrass.
If Mr Wildgrass were transporting 400 men (remember movie “ConAir”?) in a huge plane with a little door between me and them, would he be OK if they were wandering freely in the plane, killers, rapists, killers, wanted men, mad men,……….
Can Mr Wildgrass tell us what could he be thinking? That they should not be shackled?

I am considering joining this most serendipitous forum.


@AverageJoe1 said
Colombia: We're not taking shackled detainees returned on military flights. Transport them with dignity

This was said by everyone’s friend, Mr Wildgrass.
If Mr Wildgrass were transporting 400 men (remember movie “ConAir”?) in a huge plane with a little door between me and them, would he be OK if they were wandering freely in the plane, killers, rapists, killers, wante ...[text shortened]... inking? That they should not be shackled?

I am considering joining this most serendipitous forum.
You need to have reliable information on what type of illegal immigrants were being deported, because there is a wide range, from people whose crime is not having the appropriate visa to the con-air type. Do you have this information?


@Rajk999 said
You need to have reliable information on what type of illegal immigrants were being deported, because there is a wide range, from people whose crime is not having the appropriate visa to the con-air type. Do you have this information?
If you are a dog catcher and ruond up a bunch of dogs, how can you tell whidh ones might cause you harm,? They don't know you, they are lost and miserable and hungry. And, surely you know someone who has been bitten by their own dog,,,,maybe a llittle dog is jealous of a new baby and bites the baby, scarred for life? I know such a child.
So Mr Dog Catcher, you will restrain every dog. Common sense prevails. Don't tell me that you, too, Raj, lack common sense. Downer!!


@AverageJoe1 said
If you are a dog catcher and ruond up a bunch of dogs, how can you tell whidh ones might cause you harm,? They don't know you, they are lost and miserable and hungry. And, surely you know someone who has been bitten by their own dog,,,,maybe a llittle dog is jealous of a new baby and bites the baby, scarred for life? I know such a child.
So Mr Dog Catcher, you will ...[text shortened]... n every dog. Common sense prevails. Don't tell me that you, too, Raj, lack common sense. Downer!!
What is a Downer? When you are on an international chat forum, it is good forum etiquette to refrain from local expressions. It helps communicaton.

And this is the kind of nonsense analogy people promote that makes you and Trump look bad. There is a whole range of illegal activities. The fact that you are justifying treating killers the same way you would someone with visa violation shows your true intent. Illegal immigrants should not be equated with stray dogs.

I do not support illegal immigration, but your attitude stinks. Fix that.

Send the illegal criminal elements home in chains Yes.

Dont assume all illegals are criminals.

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@Rajk999 said
What is a Downer? When you are on an international chat forum, it is good forum etiquette to refrain from local expressions. It helps communicaton.

And this is the kind of nonsense analogy people promote that makes you and Trump look bad. There is a whole range of illegal activities. The fact that you are justifying treating killers the same way you would someone with ...[text shortened]...

Send the illegal criminal elements home in chains Yes.

Dont assume all illegals are criminals.

Urban Dictionary
https://www.urbandictionary.com › define › term=dow...
Something that is depressing. Can be anything, a person, movie, TV Show, your job etc. I stopped watching the news because it's always such a downer.

Just for the record, Shav says bloody all the time when there is no blood, not to mention other words that I wont say here,

Did you catch my dog cather analogy. And he is just a lowly dog catcher, who may be able to get away!!!!!! Pilot? He dead.

So, tell us all that if 400 people are herded on to a plane, that ICE might THINK they are cuffing all of the bad guys, but overlook a real killer. Do they wear name tags saying 'bad guy' por 'good guy'. ? Raj, as a pilot of these 400, you would restrain them all.
Raj? The forum requires honesty!!

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@AverageJoe1 said
Colombia: We're not taking shackled detainees returned on military flights. Transport them with dignity

This was said by everyone’s friend, Mr Wildgrass.
If Mr Wildgrass were transporting 400 men (remember movie “ConAir”?) in a huge plane with a little door between me and them, would he be OK if they were wandering freely in the plane, killers, rapists, killers, wante ...[text shortened]... inking? That they should not be shackled?

I am considering joining this most serendipitous forum.
You were fed lies and gullibly believed them yet again:

" President Donald Trump threatened to punish Colombia with tariffs, a travel ban and other sanctions to compel it to accept deportation flights carrying “Illegal Criminals.” But Colombian officials said there were no criminals among the two planeloads of migrants the U.S. government sent over Tuesday.

Among the more than 200 deportees were two pregnant women and more than 20 children, Colombian officials said after the flights landed.

“They are not criminals,” Luis Gilberto Murillo, Colombia’s foreign minister, said in a video statement posted on X. “Being a migrant is not a crime.”


"U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement reported last year that people with criminal histories accounted for only 8 percent of the immigrants it was tracking for possible removal."


In Fiscal Year 2024, the number of noncitizen arrests by the Border Patrol was 1.6 million; only about 17,000 or 1.1% had criminal records. https://usafacts.org/answers/how-many-people-apprehended-at-us-borders-have-a-prior-criminal-conviction/country/united-states/

And almost 11,000 of those were for illegal entry or re-entry meaning the number of noncitizen arrests at the border of those with a serious criminal history is a tiny fraction of the total. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics

You've swallowed right wing media propaganda scare tactics. And public policy shouldn't be based on that or bad Nicholas Cage movies.

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@AverageJoe1 said
If you are a dog catcher and ruond up a bunch of dogs, how can you tell whidh ones might cause you harm,? They don't know you, they are lost and miserable and hungry. And, surely you know someone who has been bitten by their own dog,,,,maybe a llittle dog is jealous of a new baby and bites the baby, scarred for life? I know such a child.
So Mr Dog Catcher, you will ...[text shortened]... n every dog. Common sense prevails. Don't tell me that you, too, Raj, lack common sense. Downer!!
So collateral damage is no big deal because they caught some illegals.
BTW, 40% of those deported were NOT criminals like Trump said.
And when called out on pardoning actual violent crims from Jan 6 he feigns ignorance. Now one of them is DEAD because he started a fight with a cop over a traffic ticket and another one arrested for yet another crime.
Yep, you have a DREAM leader, just the kind you like, FAKE strong man who thinks it is GREAT to shut down government, force retirement of tens of thousands of fed workers, freeze all grant money for things like WIC, Food stamps, help for homeless veterans, aid for aging population, like here:



Money is now stopped for federal school lunches too but that would not bother you in the slightest since no matter WHAT illegal actions Trump takes HE IS STILL MY DEITY and I worship him every morning and every noon and every evening WITHOUT FAIL.

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@no1marauder said
You were fed lies and gullibly believed them yet again:

" President Donald Trump threatened to punish Colombia with tariffs, a travel ban and other sanctions to compel it to accept deportation flights carrying “Illegal Criminals.” But Colombian officials said there were no criminals among the two planeloads of migrants the U.S. government sent over Tuesday.

Among th ...[text shortened]... propaganda scare tactics. And public policy shouldn't be based on that or bad Nicholas Cage movies.
“They are not criminals,” Luis Gilberto Murillo, Colombia’s foreign minister, said in a video statement posted on X. “Being a migrant is not a crime.”

Well, could you sort of round out this comment for SHouse, et al, and tell them that there is a difference in migrants and illegal migrants. Being an illegal migrant IS a crime, and they need to have that in their posting arsenal to make valid posts.
Sonhouse posts are hard enough to ferret out without this confusion. I generally skip his posts already when he uses words and phrases like Trump the Diety. Kissing up, etc. Getting boring .

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@AverageJoe1 said
“They are not criminals,” Luis Gilberto Murillo, Colombia’s foreign minister, said in a video statement posted on X. “Being a migrant is not a crime.”

Well, could you sort of round out this comment for SHouse, et al, and tell them that there is a difference in migrants and illegal migrants. Being an illegal migrant IS a crime, and they need to have that in their post ...[text shortened]... osts already when he uses words and phrases like Trump the Diety. Kissing up, etc. Getting boring .
No one is a criminal until they get convicted of a crime.

Donald Trump is a criminal; most of his supporters he pardoned because of what happened on January 6th, 2021 were criminals; the migrants on those plane weren't.

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@no1marauder said
No one is a criminal until they get convicted of a crime.

Donald Trump is a criminal; most of his supporters he pardoned because of what happened on January 6th, 2021 were criminals; the migrants on those plane weren't.
Donald Trump is a criminal;
A child with 34 felonies on his record says he wants to deport criminals, go figure...; this just shows one how stupid trump supporters are. Absolutely worthless to America and the world. Trump supporters should be the only ones deported; to Iran maybe where they already have a dictator.


@no1marauder said
No one is a criminal until they get convicted of a crime.

Donald Trump is a criminal; most of his supporters he pardoned because of what happened on January 6th, 2021 were criminals; the migrants on those plane weren't.
Maybe in this case, as they have brought so much misery to our country, making us use up almost $2B etc, we can take some sort of judicial notice of criminality, by an officer simply asking (show me your papers!!). "can you prove that you are here legally?" If they cannot, then that leaves only one thing . They are here ILLEGALLY.

HOW can you fellers be so wrapped up in illegal people walking our streets? Are passports and citizenships irrelevant now? Will Shav let me just wander on in to his tight country?


@AverageJoe1 said
Maybe in this case, as they have brought so much misery to our country, making us use up almost $2B etc, we can take some sort of judicial notice of criminality, by an officer simply asking (show me your papers!!). "can you prove that you are here legally?" If they cannot, then that leaves only one thing . They are here ILLEGALLY.

HOW can you fellers be so wrapped up ...[text shortened]... passports and citizenships irrelevant now? Will Shav let me just wander on in to his tight country?
So you've went from claiming some huge percentage of undocumented immigrants are killers, rapists and violent criminals to admitting most are nothing more than uncharged alleged violators of a minor misdemeanor?

It's a start I guess.

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@no1marauder said
So you've went from claiming some huge percentage of undocumented immigrants are killers, rapists and violent criminals to admitting most are nothing more than uncharged alleged violators of a minor misdemeanor?

It's a start I guess.
Why do this, Marauder. You are confusing Suzianne.
We have to get the Worst First. We all know that, and that is what pres Trump is doing, and BTW, the reason 77M people voted for him. Ease up, man.
So, get them out of here. Then, the next to be 'rounded up' are those who came here illegally. Another thread, maybe. As to planes, the pilot wants them cuffed and restrained. So would you. Geez. ease up, we have a lot ground to cover.
You are quite disingenuous to say 'undocumented' when we have millions who are illegally here, so why the undocumented word? You NEVER type illegal. What are you gaining with that,,,,,you gain nothing here with that, as we are discussing illegals. Geez.

Your next comment, ' a Huge percentage', I don't think I said that, as I do not know that. Of course, one person is too many. And yes, MOST are just the misdemeanor shop lift types. We just go by the law on that, and if, lo and behold, we discover Pedro is illegal, send him home, shoplifting or not. Whew.
You seem to want to muddy up posts. And I love your saying '...nothing more than UNCHARGED ALLEGED..." when you could have said nothing more than violaters of misdemeanors. Let us see you take some of these folks home with you. No1: "One global culture, one People, All the same". We aren't.

As to 'treating the illegals with dignity.." Did they treat the raped and murdered girls witih dignity? You don't have to answer that, but I wish someone would.

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