29 Jul 21
@wildgrass saidAs I said, put on you PPE.
Bears, man. All I want to do is raise a grizzly bear on my property, occassionally take him for a walk, and otherwise live my life in peace. Now "society" wants to tell me that's dangerous? C'mon man, whatever happened to freedom.
I'm not scared you're scared.
Existing is not a crime.
29 Jul 21
@wildgrass saidPfft, how many fatal bear attacks are there? These libtards wanna go after our grizzlies now?
Bears, man. All I want to do is raise a grizzly bear on my property, occassionally take him for a walk, and otherwise live my life in peace. Now "society" wants to tell me that's dangerous? C'mon man, whatever happened to freedom.
I'm not scared you're scared.
29 Jul 21
@vivify saidIs is terrible that certain people are allowed to breathe, they are just potential virus spreaders.
Pfft, how many fatal bear attacks are there? These libtards wanna go after our grizzlies now?
Oh wait, even fully vaccinated people are potential virus spreaders. I guess nobody should be allowed to breathe.
29 Jul 21
@vivify saidI know right. Someone suggested shooting all the bears and I was like, "what, they kill less than 1 person every year."
Pfft, how many fatal bear attacks are there? These libtards wanna go after our grizzlies now?
Plus, they're cute. Why infringe on my freedoms? I want to live in a society with zero safety restrictions.
29 Jul 21
@wildgrass saidSo existing in your society with freedom to not have a genetically engineered vaccine put in your body should be a crime in your book?
Existing is not a crime. Existing in a society, though, comes with preconditions.
I suppose I should get the electric chair so you can feel safe?
@phranny saidThe virus is killing off those who are elderly and have weak immune systems.
@Eladar It's the Darwin Effect in action. In the U.S., those who have chosen to not be vaccinated are contracting the disease and dying. They are removing themselves from the voting pool as well as the gene pool.
What do you believe is the probability of death should a 35 year old get covid?
Total US covid deaths for people 35 to 44: 7 741
If each age group had the same number of deaths some grand total of 774people who were 35 were killed by COVID. Looks like Covid is not going to kill off many unvaccinated 35 year olds.
Do you care about facts?
@eladar saidhttps://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#SexAndAge
What do you believe is the probability of death should a 35 year old get covid?
285,687 people under age 40 have died from COVID, out of over 600,000.
So roughly 30% of COVID deaths are from people under 40.