Originally posted by kmax87
Does our freedom of choice include the right for women to have their first children in their forties?
Is it none of anybodies business or, in wanting to do it all first and then settle down to have kids, are we setting up society for another fall?
Begatting children is a young person's game, so our fictional 40-year-old would be better off getting a dog. Still, if she were determined to spawn, she should be aware of the greater chances (because of her advanced age) that her child might be born with birth defects. Also, there's a greater chance one or even both parents might die before the child reaches maturity. Why should I care? State schools, welfare and other programs are quite expensive and the costs shouldn't be born by the public just because our fictional superwoman thought she could have it all, i.e., graduate degree, professional job, accessory children, etc.