McCain is a dirty one. Today he took an interview from 2005 by Mitt Romney on one of the morning news shows...
McCain is saying that Romney was in favor of setting a time table.
They edited the interview to make it appear that Romney did support. Right as we speak, McCains man is being taken apart by Sean. He has the interview that shows beyond a doubt that McCain is a liar. Romneys very next words before editing are "I would veto ANY legislation that sets a deadline for withdrawal. Of course I would. Look. We didn't go to the Germans and tell them that if we hadn't won by a certain date that we would surrender, and we can not tell the terrorists that we will surrender if we haven't won by a certain date. We need to win. Period."
Do you think the Snake McCain will get away with it with the full support of the drive-by media? Only Fox is capable of reporting his lies, and over there half of them support McCain.