I recently heard that he said the neighbours of Iraq have to help them. I guess this is the first sign of a step in the right direction, yet probably a little late me thinks. It should now allow people who want to care for them the freedom to do so without being shot down for showing love for the poor & weak.
Hmmm, what are people's views here of using a nation like Iraq to sucker terrorists in, so Bush etc can get their hands on them. I don't think it's that right, because the crimes would pertain towards one man awaiting his hanging and not the hole nation. If it was basically a guilty nation(which it is not), THEN I would say maybe it's alright to use them. I say like most people(Americans included), no it should not have been invaded on the basis of convicting another nation's innocent to save your own life.
I think that history will look very harshly on the World we live in right now and the behaviour of Western Governments and their treatment of the second and third World.
There is to much emphasis on the interests of companies and crporations and not any thought to the lives of those who have no one to care for them.
Was it right for the Governments of the United States and Britain to go to War in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to overthrow the repressive regimes and try to bring democracy and peace to the peoples of the those countries who have suffered at the hands of their tyrannical systems (Taliban) and Dictators (Sadam).
But that wasn't the motivation was it?
Bush now coming out and trying to bring the neighbouring nations of the Middle East into some sort of peace process in Iraq to solve a problem he obviously desn't understand and that the Americans clearly had no exit strategy for is the sad last gulps of air for a failed Presidency which will long after leave a bitter taste in the mouth for all those foolish enough to have voted for him.
Peace in the Middle East or anywhere in the World where the warlords rule and Democracy doesn't live is prosperity for the people and freedom in the hearts and minds and how do you achieve that?
All of the BILLIONS and BILLIONS of pounds and dollars that we waste every year on Trident and military planes. let's spend it on feeding and clothing every single human being on the planet.
Not one single person left out.
Which it would pay for comfortably.
I don't know if I really answered your post but I feel better for that.