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Remembering the ACA

Remembering the ACA



04 Feb 05
11 May 17

Though the ACA is not dead yet, perhaps this thread will educate some. I am absolutely sure that if the AHCA passes, you will remember the ACA as the golden era of american healthcare. Post what you think is important to know about the ACA, including how your premiums went up, ignoring the fact that premiums went up all the time and the pace at which they grew was much lower after the ACA. Personally i find information like the following much more interesting:


"Filings have dropped about 50 percent, from 1,536,799 in 2010 to 770,846 in 2016 (see chart, below). Those years also represent the time frame when the ACA took effect. Although courts never ask people to declare why they’re filing, many bankruptcy and legal experts agree that medical bills had been a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before public healthcare coverage expanded under the ACA. Unlike other causes of debt, medical bills are often unexpected, involuntary, and large."

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