I was 14 in 1969 when the Charles Manson gang killed Sharon Tate and a number of others in California. Manson died in prison awhile ago, Lynette (Squeaky Fromme) has been released, but Leslie Van Houten remains behind bars. Miss Van Houten (now 68) has spent nearly 50 years in prison for murder, and is now a small, frail old woman in the twilight of her life. While I don't argue the fact the crime she committed was horrible, I do argue with Governor Brown's reason for denying her parole being " a threat to public safety" Technology has produced items such as electronic monitoring ankle bracelets coupled with home confinement as a way to ease prison overcrowding, so I ask: Should more elderly inmates who have served decades in prison be granted home confinement along with monitoring devices as a means of saving money and easing prison overcrowding??