VP candidate Paul Ryan, as well as Mourdock, Akin, Ted Cruz, and other Senate GOP candidates (we are talking Senate here) believe abortion should be illegal with no exception for rape. That the government forbid the rape victim from taking the morning-after pill. That the government give the rape victim no choice, and force her to give birth to the rapist's child. That the government take the decision away from the rape victim and force the rape victim to share a birth with the rapist. It is in the Republican party platform.
By the way, 44% of rape victims in the US are under 18. Your 15-yr old daughter is raped, and she does not want to have the rapist's child, should she have the right to take the morning after pill? Or be forced by the government to give birth to the rapist's child while she is in the 10th grade? Also, women die while giving birth. Thus, while the GOP pushes for government to force your 15-yr old daughter to give birth to her rapist's child, could result in the GOP killing her.
The GOP rape advisory chart.