@spruce112358 saidThey alienated them with rhetoric, not by nominating a woman.
It's BS that the President controls inflation. And it's back down - but yes, prices are still high because only a few grocery chains control all distribution. Why would they lower prices? People can't make a product substitution for food.
Yes, Hispanic men, too. Who ALSO would not want a female President.
@vivify saidHere's an except from Nate Silver's podcast today:
Can you be more specific for that claim? What Rhetoric?
"I mean, I can't like help but see some irony in the fact that like and now I'm going to send, like a ------- conservative podcast for 30 seconds, right? But like the Democrats, like hyper attention on racial identity. It's much like white people, you know, and it's like, I think a lot of people who are not like white super college educated people think like this is just weird, right?
Why are they so obsessed with this ---- and and actually want to integrate, right? Right? We want to integrate into society. Maybe we're first generation or second generation or whatever, right? And we don't want to, like, be cordoned off into like, racial identity groups. And it's just, it's just, it's has to be one of the most electorally unappealing messages in the history of the United States, because, like, it's not the my, it's not the majority, right? It's only that majority, and you demonize the minority, right? But like, woke white people, or woke any people, are a pretty small minority.
And the fact that if you're not on board with their entire agenda, if you're or if you're, like me out on the COVID stuff, you're like, yeah, um, vaccines, good lockdowns went too far. Masks, we can, you know, probably minor, either way, do what you want to do, right? Like, the fact that you're seen as a ------- heretic for, like, stating this majority position, most people felt like vaccines, good
lockdowns went too far. Masks, do it to be polite. Probably doesn't matter. I mean, it just, it, just, I don't know. I mean, you're, you can't have a message that says, if you're not in this narrow circle on all people, and Trump was the one who went on these weird ------- bro podcasts and went and tried to get votes that weren't his, and tried to get the crypto people and did a, you know, rally with Modi. Was that in 2016 right? And like, I'm on your side Indian Americans. It's so crude, but, like, but you don't actually get that from Democrats saying, I'm on your side, right? I'm fighting for you against the elite. I mean, I guess because they are the elites."
@sh76 saidWhat is this person trying to say?
Here's an except from Nate Silver's podcast today:
"I mean, I can't like help but see some irony in the fact that like and now I'm going to send, like a ------- conservative podcast for 30 seconds, right? But like the Democrats, like hyper attention on racial identity. It's much like white people, you know, and it's like, I think a lot of people who are not like white super c ...[text shortened]... r side, right? I'm fighting for you against the elite. I mean, I guess because they are the elites."
@spruce112358 saidNo., I think she lost because we do not want to see a male spike a volleyball into the face of our daughter.
Nope. It turns out, America doesn't want a female President.
@sh76 saidDemocratic messaging on the economy was terrible. Somehow according to exit polls, 2/3 of US voters think the economy is "poor" or "not good" when the data is strongly to the contrary.
Inflation is a BS issue? Yikes! Have you ever been to a grocery store?
They beat Trump with an old man due to Covid and the circumstances at the time. Biden was on pace to get thrashed this time around when they dumped him.
Oh, and it's not just straight white men the Democratic Party has alienated, it's obviously Hispanic men too. Trump won Miami-Dade County, for crying out loud. Al Gore must be turning over in his grave*.
* Okay, his living room. Whatever.
On inflation, they simply blew it; blaming "price gouging" is the type of simplistic messaging that just doesn't work in a nation where most people work and live in a capitalist system. The truth was more complex but still understandable to reasonably intelligent people i.e. there was a world wide spike in prices covering virtually every advanced country in the aftermath of COVID due to pent up demand and supply shortages that took a while to play out. But they never even tried to get this truth out.
All I can think as to the rest - the booming growth rate, extremely low unemployment and now inflation rate - is that Harris was reluctant to discuss it because she thought it would tie her to Biden too much. But it's pretty hard for a member of an incumbent administration to win when people - incorrectly - think the economy sucks. It's kinda surprising the race was so close given that fact - which may have to do with Trump's weakness as a candidate.
@spruce112358 saidHe's trying to say that with the Left in the last few years, if you don't adhere to the full Orthodoxy of their positions, you're evil and must be cancelled. The example he gave is from Covid. If you questioned the extent of lockdowns or the efficacy of masks, you were automatically a science denier to be shunned.
What is this person trying to say?
I'll add that the "Trump is a Nazi" thing was incredibly offensive and demeaning. Trump is not a Nazi. So STOP IT! It's particularly offensive to me. Trump is terrible in a lot of ways, but he was the most pro-Jewish, pro-Israel President in American history, bar none. His daughter is Jewish, for crying out loud. Using the word "Nazi" to attack him was disgusting.
That's "rhetoric"
@spruce112358 saidI've been reading Nate religiously since 2008. He's a liberal, and a pretty staunch one. Always has been. But during Covid, he came pretty close to sounding like a conservative. He, like so many of us, were angered by the Left's vicious "anti-science" attack on anyone who didn't support the full extent of their agenda.
What is this person trying to say?
I'm sure he still voted for Harris, but he'll never be a left winget like he was in 2019. I am sure there are people who were much more moderate in 2020 that were angered by what happened in 2021 and 2022 (long-term school closures, vaccine and mask mandates, travel restrictions, etc.) that they were willing to take it out on Harris.
@sh76 saidYeah, plagues happen, right? Life is short.
He's trying to say that with the Left in the last few years, if you don't adhere to the full Orthodoxy of their positions, you're evil and must be cancelled. The example he gave is from Covid. If you questioned the extent of lockdowns or the efficacy of masks, you were automatically a science denier to be shunned.
I'll add that the "Trump is a Nazi" thing was incredibly offen ...[text shortened]... ewish, for crying out loud. Using the word "Nazi" to attack him was disgusting.
That's "rhetoric"
@AverageJoe1 saidAnd yet if it were your son doing the spiking, you'd think it was fantastic.
No., I think she lost because we do not want to see a male spike a volleyball into the face of our daughter.
@sh76 saidAnd yet, because of the precautions, far less people (esp. elderly) died as a result of covid.
I've been reading Nate religiously since 2008. He's a liberal, and a pretty staunch one. Always has been. But during Covid, he came pretty close to sounding like a conservative. He, like so many of us, were angered by the Left's vicious "anti-science" attack on anyone who didn't support the full extent of their agenda.
I'm sure he still voted for Harris, but he'll never be a ...[text shortened]... ccine and mask mandates, travel restrictions, etc.) that they were willing to take it out on Harris.
But people didn't give a damn about that. All they could think about was someone was telling them what to do. And that stuck in their craw and they couldn't get over it.
@sh76 saidI see no evidence COVID had any effect on this election except to the extent it was the underlying cause of the inflation spike. Some of the proponents of the most aggressive measures that Nate didn't like (for example, Gretchen Whitmer) won easily in 2022.
I've been reading Nate religiously since 2008. He's a liberal, and a pretty staunch one. Always has been. But during Covid, he came pretty close to sounding like a conservative. He, like so many of us, were angered by the Left's vicious "anti-science" attack on anyone who didn't support the full extent of their agenda.
I'm sure he still voted for Harris, but he'll never be a ...[text shortened]... ccine and mask mandates, travel restrictions, etc.) that they were willing to take it out on Harris.
@sh76 saidThat's a statement that lacks nuance.
The example he gave is from Covid. If you questioned the extent of lockdowns or the efficacy of masks, you were automatically a science denier to be shunned.
Questioning was fine. The problem is that the people questioning them tended to be conspiracy theorist promoting unsafe and unscientific ideas.
Examine the people doing the questioning:
How many of them were scientists? Very few, if any, correct?
How many of them were conspiracy theorists? Quite of a lot, correct?
Most importantly: how many of them were aligned with the Republican party? This is significant because businesses suffered during Covid, which made rich business owner's upset. Since the rich tend to be Republican, this is why the majority of Covid doubt came from those aligned with them.
I'm sure you remember there were a few Republicans who were caught trading stocks ahead of the pandemic, using information only lawmakers were privy to at the time, only for those same lawmakers to publicly deny that Covid was a threat.
This was the context around those who questioned lockdowns.