Trump trying to blame DEI (Black and gay People), Obama, Biden, ETC, for the plane crash in DC last light that killed 64 on a flight from Kansas to Washington DC, and 3 service members on the helicopter.
@KingDavid403 said10 days in office and Trump is to blame for everything.
Oh, "but we're saving lots of money." Says smaller than average Joe and his trumptarded ilk here.
Typical Dem playbook.
Grow up.
@Cliff-Mashburn saidYou grow up fool and smell the coffee. Federal employees were only given one week to take his buyout or else, so they left and the airport was short of air-traffic controllers, you worthless trumptarded fool. They only had one air-traffic controller working for the whole airport trumptard. All because of TRUMP!
10 days in office and Trump is to blame for everything.
Typical Dem playbook.
Grow up.
@Cliff-Mashburn saidTRUMP is to blame? Not according to his own press briefing on the issue, after saying condolences he goes into an absolutely disgusting display of partisan politics blaming democrats, DEI, and Obama and former heads of transportation BEFORE THE BODIES WERE EVEN THROUGH GETTING PULLED OUT THE WATERS or an NTSB investigation could even start.
10 days in office and Trump is to blame for everything.
Typical Dem playbook.
Grow up.
Right, DEI is to blame, what utter BUUULLLSHHHITT.
It turns out 94 FUUUKING PERCENT of traffic controllers AND pilots are ALL white.
But that doesn't stop your convicted felon traitor POTUS from using his bully pulpit to politicize an issue that hasn't even finished getting out all the dead from those freezing waters.
AND TRUMP is the one who put a hiring freeze on FAA workers including air traffic controllers on fuuking DAY ONE so there would have been no way the FAA could have hired ANYONE in that job.
A totally disgusting display of political nonsense when some 70 people are DEAD.
Every statement he made was a bald faced LIE.
@Earl-of-Trumps saidThat was not what TRUMP said, he said it was democrats, DEI, Obama, Pete Buttigieg ANYONE but his own ugly orange self.
the ATC on duty did properly warned the chopper to avoid the oncoming pax jet,, the problem was not under-staffing.
but liberals love to lie. it's a genetic problem
For instance, DEI to blame?
When 94 % of US pilots AND ATC's are fuuking WHITE.
Yep, OBVIOUSLY those DEI asssholes are TOTALLY to blame for that crash.
Putting out POLICICAL BUUULLLSHHHIIIT bully pulpit crap that was actually one fuuking LIE after another.
Before the bodies were finished being pulled out of the water.
But that kind of BS is just FINE with someone like you.