@Mott-The-Hoople saidYou seriously think that is winning a debate? You are like a 12 year old debating George Washington. What else is new from a traitor to our republic like you.
never before has a president ignored our laws and allowed open borders
@sonhouse saidGood morning son house. This is a classic response where you write about your usual pattern, and avoid my simple query.. Maybe YOU are a traitor, given that you are allowing immigrants to take over our country, as they walk illegally throughout our country. You are a traitor to allow these goings on.
You DAMN RIGHT I will respond to this, it is just more evidence of your traitorous ways JUST LIKE TRUMP.
You FUUKING REFUSE to see millions of normal people working jobs legal or illegal that you would never do in ten lifetimes, being WAY to arrogant thinking you are SO superior to blacks and browns you can't even see when there are regular folks working, paying taxes, buyi ...[text shortened]... sts, drug dealers, sex trafficers and the like.
Your repulsive POV is disgusting on the face of it.
Why do you not answer questions, or respond in like kind?
@sonhouse saidI stopped reading this post when I noticed you mentioned the documents at Trump‘s house, but not the documents in three of Biden‘s houses …..would you clarify that conflict in your mind and then I will read the rest of your post? You won’t.
You don't think Trump stealing hundreds of TOP SECRET AND ABOVE documents is NOT traitorous? Just because his pet Cannon dismissed charges doesn't in the SLIGHTEST equate to innocence.
It is just another example of his buddies getting him out of jail time which he SO richly deserves.
JUST FOR THAT ONE OFFENCE, besides all the fraud and defamation cases resulting in a half ...[text shortened]... es on SCOTUS, Trump is LITERALLY above the law and there is NOTHING you can puke out to refute that.
@AverageJoe1 saidOF COURSE you equate a few docs showing up at Bidens place vs HUNDREDS of docs literally stolen in box after box and put in Trumps basement.
I stopped reading this post when I noticed you mentioned the documents at Trump‘s house, but not the documents in three of Biden‘s houses …..would you clarify that conflict in your mind and then I will read the rest of your post? You won’t.
This is not the same thing, this was deliberate theft vs a few docs that could have been in Bidens briefcase, and if you can't see the difference you are clearly having your brain controlled by your god Trump. the Biden case was found to be NOT a crime but if you maybe noticed, Trump was arrested and the FBI came to his place and there was clear attempts to move the documents to hide them from the FBI and two of Trumps workers are also under arrest and you think that is the same as the few docs found by Biden who turned them over as soon as he found them?
That makes you poster boy for hypocrite.
@Earl-of-Trumps saidTHAT we can agree on. Nobody seems to remember the way it turned out last time but this time the tariff's will be even higher and so will the stakes.
I think tariffs suck. You live by the sword; you die by the sword.
@Suzianne said@spruce112358 said
"Goodbye Saigon", great song.
"And we would all go down together
We said we'd all go down together
Yes, we would all go down together"
Sounds like the typical democrat gathering.
@DJJ saidSounds like Republicans back when they respected vets.
@spruce112358 said
"And we would all go down together
We said we'd all go down together
Yes, we would all go down together"
Sounds like the typical democrat gathering.