Trump has designated that Guantanamo be restructured to be a place to house thousands of people illegally in our country. To keep them there with 3 meals a day and nice beds and workout areas, doctors on staff, the works. If you think that they should NOT be housed there, and instead be offered citizenships like Marauder is saying, equal to our own status, (absolutely unbelievable) then you need read no further.
I see that some of you are suggesting that they might be 'concentration camps' like those in Germany , early 1940's, the jews, incarcerated, forced labor, one piece of bread a day, hardly any bedding, no doctors except for Mengele', living in squalor subject to being shot for fun, etc etc.
Here is a def of 1942concentration camps, there are many, but this is what you all seem to be saying. I think our 'camp' will be more dignified. Maybe clean! After all , the world will be watching, not that we care what they see.
The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.
You fellers are associating the term with this. Do you think Trump and his administration will be like this? If it is, I will change sides and suck up to Sonhouse.
So let us put it to bed, a lot of wasted type. Call them holding areas. Or tell us, how else do we control them till we get them on a plane? Trump, a president who is a good listener (imagine that...) would love to hear from you.