They call it the good club.
The names of some of the members are familiar figures: Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller and Ted Turner. But there are others, too, like business giants Eli and Edythe Broad, who are equally wealthy but less well known. All told, its members are worth $125bn.
The meeting - called by Gates, Buffett and Rockefeller - was held in response to the global economic downturn and the numerous health and environmental crises that are plaguing the globe. It was, in some ways, a summit to save the world.
So all these billionaires flew their private jets to meet together to talk about reducing the world population because of global warming. And why does Oprah support that? Doesn't she know they want to abort black fetuses to reduce the population of her race more?
Population reduction is supported by many democrats, but how do they intend to reduce the world population? None of these billionaire elites control China and India. How are these elites that do not live in China going to control China's population? A man made virus?
@Metal-Brain saidYou are aware that China's population is already decreasing and that was caused by the one child policiy which also resulted in a very skewed sex distribution?
They call it the good club.
Population reduction is supported by many democrats, but how do they intend to reduce the world population? None of these billionaire elites control China and India. How are these elites that do not live in China going to control China's population? A man made virus?
You are aware that the Indian birth numbers are already decreasing?
@Ponderable saidNot decreasing. I am aware that their population growth is decreasing, but not because of the one child policy in China. Population growth decreases are the result of increases in the standard of living.
You are aware that China's population is already decreasing and that was caused by the one child policiy which also resulted in a very skewed sex distribution?
You are aware that the Indian birth numbers are already decreasing?
Wealth inequality causes over population. The elites who say they want to save the world are the problem. They just want a solution that does not involve them giving up their wealth to poor people. That is why they created the infertility vaccine. To reduce populations in Africa and keep them poor at the same time.
@Ponderable saidOkay. But Population decreases are the result of increases in the standard of living just as I said.
Official publication:
Wealth inequality is the problem and elites like wealth inequality so they have no incentive to raise poor people's standard of living. That is why they created the infertility vaccine.
There's no such thing as an infertility vaccine, you gullible fool.
If you spend a bit of time on this website, you may learn things that you need to know. I'm sorry that the URL is too long for clickbait, but it works if you copy and paste the URL into your browser.
@Metal-Brain saidparagraph four of the source I gave...
Okay. But Population decreases are the result of increases in the standard of living just as I said.
Wealth inequality is the problem and elites like wealth inequality so they have no incentive to raise poor people's standard of living. That is why they created the infertility vaccine.
@Kewpie saidYou are projecting. You are a liar and a gullible fool.
There's no such thing as an infertility vaccine, you gullible fool.
If you spend a bit of time on this website, you may learn things that you need to know. I'm sorry that the URL is too long for clickbait, but it works if you copy and paste the URL into your browser.
The Rockefeller foundation admitted it.
Now....stop making up lies!
@Ponderable saidWealth inequality is the problem and elites like wealth inequality so they have no incentive to raise poor people's standard of living. That is why the Rockefeller Foundation created the infertility vaccine.
paragraph four of the source I gave...
They want to reduce population without eliminating poverty.
@Ponderable saidCzech Republic data: vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women
paragraph four of the source I gave...