Originally posted by rwingett
As the article says, "Eleven charts that explain everything that's wrong with America." Even an economist should be able to understand them.
This may indeed be true, but your wasting your breath. Many people in America are convinced making the super rich richer will somehow be better for everyone. What these misguided people don't seem to get is, consumer spending by Americas employees is the main driving force behind the American economy. The more union busting, and wage slashing that goes on, the less dollars these employees will have to spend on goods and services provided by American business's. Result: fewer sales=fewer profits=a weaker economy....and who do these people think will make up this spending gap? The Chinese? The Russians? The Turks?? I don't think so! Labor hating and union busting has been popular in America since the days of good 'ol Ronald Regan. By doing this however, American business is biting the hands that feed them. But hey...tell people the sky is green long enough, and they'll believe it!😏