Early balloons were made from pig bladders 100 left.... ...someone....
Originally posted by eatmybishop Early balloons were made from pig bladders 100 left.... ...someone....
Sigulda, Latvia
99 Red Balloons is a good song played by Goldfinger. 98 left
Balloons are often filled with Helium.
Sewers of Holland
Yeah... it looks like this balloon thread has deflated fast enough.
lookin for a way out
they pop when my cats pounce on them 😀
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
they can be shaped into animals
they aren't always "balloons"
93. ___________________________
Rocky Mountains
They make a great excuse when you "accidentally" shoot an endangered bird. "I thought it was a balloon".
Parts Unknown
Flesh colored balloons are much softer than the rest. G.
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