Charleston SC. USA
I just checked my performance, I've played 113 Pawn Stars so far. John 12th Pawn Star
Red Hot Rebel Clan
How many opponents in total, John - you count yours and when I have a spare hour or so I'll count mine ;-) Andrew
Yes Andrew #2 Pawn Star. Hi! Bessyboo #1 Pawn Star. I will count my opponente now and post it in an hour or so. John
Andrew, A Total of 533 opponents. GOodness I thought I had played everyone. I've misses quite a few thousand of them. :-) John
I've played 630 different people so far so does that make me something like King of LCP? (LCP = least choosey player) ;-) Andrew
Andrew, Maybe we can call you King Variety. Or King Of Variety. Or King Heinz. John
Slightly Left :D
Captain Heinz 57!! hehehehe Dave
Well I have 'bean' around a while.... ;-)
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