LOl. What a way to enjoy yourself. I would of never touched post
6000. Can we get a final ruling on who got 6000? This song is about
me. I'll get move 50,000 before anyone else . LOL.
Thespirit of competition is more fun than the outcome. Thank
you everyone for enjoying yourself.
The Ambassador
Little Grasshopper
King Of MAP
Most Titled Player
Asst. Captain Team USA
It was down to seconds I think there John...nobody really
knows...since the only records we can see are in minutes...but it was a
mad dash...I can't believe I started this actually...but yes it is alot of
fun...and I am happy that alot of people have joined me in acting
idiotic for a nonexistant brass ring..hehehehe
Captain USA
and have been called MAP (Most Active Poster)