Some time ago Miss Take made a joke in the forums about laying in bed with her
laptop and getting chess lessons from her teacher. Schliemann apparently
thinks that you are the same person as Miss Take. Hence the comment.
Please enjoy the site, RHP has many good people here, many whom you will enjoy
both good games of chess and interesting chats with.
Consider these forums to be either the icing on the cake - if you enjoy soap
opera. Or consider them the the muck in the septic tank, if you find all the
drama unappealing.
What they truly are is, as some famous dead white guy once said, "all sound
and fury, signifying nothing."
Remember the most important decision you can make here at RHP,indeed, the ONLY
decision of any importance (well, besides the decision to get a star or wings
by you name) is the following:
Which side of the MAP war are you one? A loyal soldier for King Vaknso against
the rebellious Rhymester? Or a faithful devotee of the true MAP King Rhymester
against the diabolical stealer of the crown Vaknso? THAT is the one true
question here at RHP. All other drama is unimportant, mere smoke upon the
water to hide this one true battle for supremacy!
AH, the MAP war, a battle which makes Ragnarok look like a quaint tea party.
The mighty Fenris but a playful pup compared with the foul army of Mutant
Squirrels released by Rhymester's blood maddened followers. The horn of
Heimdall sounding like a cheap kazoo when compared to the terrible thunderous
sound of ten thousand vacuumm cleaners clamoring for their leader Vaknso!!!
A battle like no other the universe will ever know!
Mutant squirrels!!! Mutant! I grant thee, like their owner, they are not
possessed with devilishly handsome looks but mutant they are not.
Second thoughts perhaps you are right.
To mariposa I say turn to Rhymester, turn to all that is good and
light, for he be the one true king, he be the owner of the MAP crown
before the world of vaknso existed as we know it today.
To maggoteer I simply say thank you.
The Squirrel Lover
Minion of Rhymester
Bickering Forum Hater