A number of the experienced players here coach the less experienced.
(which I think is fantasic and they are a credit to themselves and a
VERY valuable asset to the site).
I think it would be great to see the comments made by coach and
pupil as to why moves were made, the pitfalls etc etc.
Obviously the choice of 'public viewing' of the comments made
between tutor and pupil would be up to the two players involved -
maybe an option box like in public / private game. ie public /
private 'discussion'.
Inexperienced/poor players could then read the notes and hopefully
learn .
I hopefully will be receiving some coaching in the near future and
would have no problem in others viewing my reasons (probably wrong)
for making a move.
Just throwing an idea around and maybe, between us all, something
useful may come out of it.
Aiming for MIP
I wish I had more time to do all of this because it is fun analysing a
game and picking it apart.
But due to my work schedule and my ever increasing effort to try to
teach and hold my position as well as now showing my support totally
for RHP by entering into 3 out of 5 of their tourneys as well as TDing
and playing in the BIT tourney. Doing all of this and still trying to
convince my wife love her and am not ignoring her and to my boss
that yes I am doing my job makes for one hell of a day everyday!!
But if RHP ever sets up something like this then I would gladly be one
to contribute once a month or so.
It really does! We have alot of knowledgable players here...and more
will be coming once more word gets out about the #1 chess site on the
net. (Plug there for all of the hard work Russ and Chris have done!!)
But if you look in the theory forum you have myself,wwarrior,David
Tebb, and sintubin who are all usually happy to go through a game if
requested. Plus a few others that I am sure i forgot to mention..sorry.
Posting inthe discussion forums has appeal because of simplicity but I
have been thinking about something a bit more robust...
I had looked at the code Chris/Russ use for reviewing games last
week. My curiosity was in how one might easily use the mechanisms
currently in place to also display comments as each move went by and
thus, effectively, to create training sessions. Without boring anyone
with technical detail, suffice it to say that the presentation is realtively
simple and quite do-able, I think.
The difficulty comes in generating and maintaining the commentary
and especially WRT handling variations.
I hope to spend some time in the next week or so looking at some
tools which might help the situation and if I find something convincing
I'll turn ot over to Chris and Russ for consideration as a more
complete proposal.
Then again, they may have already thought about this and have their
own ideas....
Sorry, maybe I didn't explain myself very well.
But I think we are talking the same language.
I was referring to the ability to view the game discussion comments.
I meant :::: see the comments as each move was made.
ie I move and make a comment, you move and explain why I went
wrong and why tou are making the move yoyu are
Thanks wW
What I believe would work very well is to allow a game to be
annotated after it has been played. Annotations could be by anyone
willing to do so.
Another chess site I frequent encourages the annotation of played
games by the players and allows others to offer their own
annotations! I have used the feature to annotate one game so far -
a game I thought would be instructive to my opponent and others.