Hello...this is for my stat term paper...please help me by answering these questions...I know some of the answers are "duh" but still..please help me.
1. Do you know what chess is?
2. Do you play chess?
3. How do you rate your chess ability? (0=don't know how to play, 1=bad, 2=ok, 3=good, 4=awesome!)
4. What is your age?
5. What is your grade point average?
6. What race are you?
7. What gender are you?
8. What is your height?
Thanks guys...I appreciate this a lot...thank you!
Just find the button called "New Thread" and give the new thread a name... cut and paste your info in there for all to share.
You will find the "New Thread" Button on the same page where you can read all the topics in any forum.
I still think you should check out the link I provided!
thanks for the help...umm..went to the site..if two of me were to collide together...nothing would happen...cuz I can't go through the atmosphere..something about diameter being too small..hehe...anyways...interesting site..wonder how they figured all that stuff out since you can't exactly use trial and error...some math stuff I presume...I hate math...