Dear All,
Has anyone else experienced this. I resigned from a game due to a
glaring miss that my queen could be taken in Game 92566 against
Savant which I wasnt very happy about.
But to add further insult to injury, I lost 19 points dropping from 1412
to 1393 (Savant 1343 to 1362), except the game is still on my screen
saying that it is my move ?? Bizarre - My only explanation was that
when I resigned I had also put a move in on that turn (meaning i
suggested the bishop move to ...) .
The site seemed to be taking ages to think about what to do (whether
to make move/resign) and so I clicked on 'Your Games' only to find
that I had lost the points but not the game !!
Obviously not too chuffed at losing twice the points - I wondered if
anyone else had experienced this ?
Yours Infuriatedly
Si, I feel your pain...these glitches can be frustrating. I couldn't help
but laugh, though, when I read your post. For some reason, it
reminded me from a scene in "Risky Business" w/ Tom Cruise....He
was in school during the last period of the day. He was extremely
anxious to get back home cause there was a prostitute in his house
and he was afraid she might be up to some mischief. So he's sitting
there, leaning on the edge of his seat, watching the clock intently as it
ticks toward 3:00. Just as he's ready to jump out to sprint home, the
clock ticks..."backward" from 2:59 to 2:58!!!...I was rolling. For me it
remains one of my all time favorite scenes.
While on the subject...anyone have favorite scenes they want to
share...another one off the top of my head is the scene from "Soap
Dish" when Kevin Klein refused to wear his glasses while filming a live
scene and reading from a teleprompter...gotta run so can't go into
more detail. Anyone else remember the scene I'm talking about?
umm.. yeah. i am having something weird happen to me also. i came
here yesterday, made moves on my gamews.. and then when i came
to check on them today, i had found i had never made the moves and
had to make the moves over again.. weird eh? on top of that my
forum message got erase i think. *shrug*